Welcome to the National Endowment for Democracy's searchable grants database.

The database includes records of grants the National Endowment for Democracy has awarded in the past three years. The data is refreshed periodically to ensure that new awards are reflected in search results.


Search results for Organization Name: helsinki committee for human rights in serbia
Displaying records 1-1 of 1 results
All results totalling $59,000
Total may include redundant amount due to supplements.

Project Title: Fostering a Culture of Remembrance and Accountability
Project Region: Europe
Project Country: Serbia
Project Focus: Conflict Resolution
Description: To raise awareness about human rights abuses committed in the 1990s and advance public debate on dealing with the past. The group will organize a series of activities to foster a stronger culture of remembrance and accountability around the anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide. The organization will collaborate with a renowned playwright to inform Serbian citizens about human rights abuses committed in Srebrenica and to bring arts and peacebuilding workshops to youth in local communities.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $59,000