Welcome to the National Endowment for Democracy's searchable grants database.

The database includes records of grants the National Endowment for Democracy has awarded in the past three years. The data is refreshed periodically to ensure that new awards are reflected in search results.


Search results for Project Focus:
Displaying records 401-500 of 8,112 results
All results totalling $876,962,890
Total may include redundant amount due to supplements.

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Project Title: Fostering Youth Participation
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To foster the active participation of youth leaders in democratic activities through capacity building. The project will foster democratic values and educate young leaders to help them contribute to economic reconstruction, the reestablishment of democracy, and to strengthen their own organizations. The project will include trainings for hundreds of participants across Venezuela and aims to contribute to restore a social fabric based on democratic principles.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $35,000
Project Title: Promoting Civic Engagement
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To improve the efficiency and quality of citizen oversight of the legislative branch. Interaction among legislators and the general public will increase, and the use of innovative communication techniques will be promoted.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $34,757
Project Title: Strengthening Freedom of Association
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Association
Description: To promote freedom of association in Venezuela. Activities will include a survey of labor rights violations, an analysis of trends, and the development of information for domestic and international audiences.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $23,573
Project Title: Reforming the Judiciary and Promoting Transitional Justice
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To devise a reform plan to address the institutional and procedural challenges facing Venezuela's judicial system. The project will focus on how to reestablish the rule of law, separation of powers, and the independence of judges. Analysis of transitional justice processes will provide a comparative perspective to cases of human rights violations in Venezuela.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $34,364
Project Title: Ensuring Access to Independent and Uncensored Information
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To increase the availability of independent, verified, and uncensored information in Venezuela. Contingency plans to protect media from legal and cyber attacks will be devised. A strategy to increase media coverage of relevant issues and to promote financial sustainability will be developed.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $57,400
Project Title: Improving Local Democratic Governance
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To improve local governance in different municipalities throughout Venezuela. Local leaders will learn how to overcome local community problems. These leaders will then conduct advocacy with local authorities.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $40,000
Project Title: Promoting Solutions Based Journalism
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To strengthen media ecosystems in Venezuela. Training programs will be conducted for journalists working on select stories. Tailored mentorship will also provide a space for additional learning. Stories will be published.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Fostering Democratic Values and Understanding
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To increase domestic support and understanding for democratic values and ideas by raising awareness on the achievements of previous democratic governments. The organization will restore public knowledge and memory associated with the democratic Venezuelan history. Products developed will be widely disseminated in Venezuela through partnership with education institutions, civil society organizations and political actors.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $60,000
Project Title: Promoting Citizen Participation and Freedom of Expression
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To bolster the capacity of citizens to monitor and defend human rights and document human rights violations and to denounce internationally these violations. The organization will build off previous years' work and use renewed Endowment support to foster citizen engagement in the defense of human rights and raise awareness on the situation in Venezuela.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $51,950
Project Title: Promoting Human Rights through Creative Tools
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To promote a culture of civic participation and respect for human rights in Venezuela. Trainings on human rights will be held for traditionally marginalized sectors. Grassroots leaders will also be trained on how to use digital media and storytelling tools.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $28,810
Project Title: Strengthening Local Governance
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Political Processes
Description: To strengthen local governance through increased citizen participation. The project will use technology to bolster citizen participation in the local decision-making process, and will offer trainings for local officials on how to use new technologies to better serve their constituents.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $32,570
Project Title: Reporting on Human Rights Violations and the Humanitarian Crisis
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To enhance journalists, activists, and communications students use narrative journalism to document and report on human and social rights violations. Participants will be trained in storytelling, how to document the ongoing crisis, and increase its visibility. Investigations, interviews, photographs, and videos will be produced and disseminated via social networks and through partnerships with national and international news outlets.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $25,000
Project Title: Fostering Best Practices in Civic Engagement
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To foster the organization and coordination of democratic actors in ten states; and to improve levels of citizen engagement and grassroots organizing in selected states. The organization will identify successful strategies to foster political best practices and foster participation. The organization will train grassroots, social and political activists on best practices, facilitate greater interaction across groups and states, and promote alternative communication tools to reach citizens.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $50,022
Project Title: Supporting Democratic Actors
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To strengthen a network of organizations promoting democratic values. Activities will include trainings on democratic values and civic engagement. The project will also promote tolerance and reconciliation as means to decrease political polarization, and engage citizens to jointly address main community challenges. Activities will include community events and discussion promoting democratic values and collaborations among different community leaders.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $27,426
Project Title: Fostering Political Participation and Leadership
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To promote Venezuelan democratic activism and participation in politics through trainings, thus advocating for democracy and rule of law. The organization will build capacity for renewed democratic leadership in one state, to provide emerging leaders with tools and knowledge to engage in decision-making processes and strengthen their activism capacities. The organization will consolidate its network of emerging leaders, activists, and members of civil society organizations.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $40,115
Project Title: Monitoring the Human Rights Conditions in Venezuela
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To promote human rights and raise awareness on the human rights situation in Venezuela. Project activities will include monitoring and reporting human rights violations, organizing trainings on democratic values and human rights, and producing and disseminating reports in Venezuela and abroad. Presentations both in and outside Venezuela will also be organized.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Youth Leadership Training
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To strengthen democratic values and leadership. A training for youth will be conducted on critical thinking, democratic principles, human rights, cyber-activism, and leadership skills. A robust youth training program in various cities will strengthen youth involvement in the electoral process and raise awareness on the most pressing challenges to democracy.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $49,521
Project Title: Strengthening Citizen Participation in Venezuela
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Political Processes
Description: To strengthen the relations between citizens and elected officials and foster greater oversight and accountability of the policy-making process. Citizen engagement and meaningful dialogue with policy makers will be promoted.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $57,993
Project Title: Promoting Independent Journalism
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To engage journalists and media outlets in defending freedom of expression and democracy. Activities will include trainings on investigative journalism tools and the use of social media in disseminating news. The project will also foster media pluralism. Activities will also include monitoring and reporting on the state of media throughout the country.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $55,000
Project Title: Promoting Human Rights
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen human rights organizations' abilities to demand adherence to international human rights standards. Activities will include trainings, workshops, public forums on international human rights standards, and a newsletter on human rights issues.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $65,000
Project Title: Strengthening Freedom of Association
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Association
Description: To promote freedom of association in Venezuela. Activities will include a survey of labor rights violations, an analysis of trends, and the development of information for domestic and international audiences. Public events and forums will also be conducted to discuss and raise awareness on freedom of association in the country.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $35,000
Project Title: Raising Awareness on Human Rights
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To raise awareness about the state of human rights in the region and to foster the capacity of civil society and human rights defenders. Civil society awareness on human rights violations and social conflicts in their communities will be raised and human rights violations documented. The information collected will be disseminated through a dedicated website.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $35,000
Project Title: Strengthening Human Rights Defenders in Venezuela
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen human rights defenders' capacity to protect themselves from physical and digital attacks against them and to raise awareness about the human rights situation in Venezuela through international advocacy. The organization will train independent civil society members to identify, mitigate and prevent risks that threaten their lives. The group will also monitor the human right situation and alert the public and independent media when attacks occur. It will produce reports quarterly and annually that it will present to international bodies to raise awareness of the worsening situation.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $35,000
Project Title: Providing Timely Coverage of Political Developments
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To develop a nationwide network of professional and citizen-journalists to provide timely coverage of political developments in Venezuela. Journalists and citizens will be trained on journalistic principles and the use of appropriate technology, and will be field to several regions of the country.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $75,060
Project Title: Promoting Freedom of Expression and Independent Thought in Venezuela
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To promote freedom of expression and independent thought among Venezuelan intellectuals and citizens. The group will edit and reprint two books that portray authoritarianism and the deterioration of the Venezuelan state. It will also publish four new books on topics including corruption, torture, women's rights, and the crisis of basic services. The organization will carry out monthly discussion groups on these issues and build a network of engaged readers.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $63,000
Project Title: Strengthening Freedom of Association
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Association
Description: To promote freedom of association in Venezuela. Activities will include a survey of labor rights violations, an analysis of trends, and the development of information for domestic and international audiences. Public events and forums will also be conducted to discuss and raise awareness on freedom of association in the country.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Documenting Human Rights Violations Tied to Migration
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To monitor human rights violations against Venezuelan migrants. Activities will include documenting and reporting on violations in and out of the country. A final report will be produced and social media platforms will be used to disseminate information. Activities will also include developing international awareness with global human rights organizations.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $60,000
Project Title: Strengthening Freedom of Association
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Association
Description: To promote freedom of association in Venezuela. Activities will include a survey of labor rights violations, an analysis of trends, and the development of information for domestic and international audiences. Public events and forums will also be conducted to discuss and raise awareness on freedom of association in the country.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $30,000
Project Title: Strengthening Human Rights Institutions
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen the role and capacities of human rights defenders and engage citizens in the defense of human rights and to increase international attention and condemnation against attacks on Venezuelan human rights defenders and activists. Capacity building workshops will be held for defenders and awareness raising campaigns will be organized, domestically and internationally.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $34,964
Project Title: Documenting Human Rights Violations
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To increase the visibility of human rights violations and political prisoners in Venezuela. Information and tools on human rights, due process, the Venezuelan legal system, and international human rights instruments will be shared with local activists and grassroots leaders in targeted states. Emblematic human rights cases will increase visibility.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $35,000
Project Title: Protecting Human Rights Defenders
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen a national human rights network. Activities will include the provision of technical and advocacy skills, and assistance to human rights activists as needed. Legal and material assistance will also be provided to select beneficiaries. Dissemination of human rights violations with the international community will also be part of the project.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $65,600
Project Title: Promoting Dialogue and Reconciliation
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Conflict Resolution
Description: To promote political dialogue and reconciliation. Discussions that bring together citizens across the ideological spectrum to promote democratic dialogue and reconciliation will be organized.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $55,692
Project Title: Monitoring Human Rights Conditions
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To monitor and report on human rights conditions among marginalized populations. Data will be collected, interviews conducted, information analyzed, and materials developed to raise awareness of the human rights situation in the country.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $34,407
Project Title: Advocating for Reforms that Restore Checks and Balances
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To promote the restoration of checks and balances as well as respect for human rights. The state of Venezuela's democracy will be surveyed, and specific recommendation in areas than can be strengthened will be provided. A targeted awareness campaign to address some of these issues will be conducted.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $43,600
Project Title: Facilitating Policy Dialogues and Recommendations
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To promote independent political research and analysis on the state of democracy and provide strategic recommendations to defend democratic space in Venezuela. Political developments will be monitored and dialogue and roundtable discussions on policy proposals will be facilitated. Surveys and focus groups will be conducted to assess citizen support for the democratic process.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $80,000
Project Title: Leadership Empowerment and Socio-Political Participation
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To promote citizen empowerment and bolster political participation. Communities will have opportunities to engage in democratic governance processes, and foster greater accountability between citizens and their government representatives.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $42,000
Project Title: Assessing Perceptions of Democracy in Venezuela
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To assess the state of democracy in different locations throughout Venezuela. Project activities will include surveying Venezuelans to get a better understanding of citizen perceptions of democracy across the country. Activities will also include conducting interviews, focus groups, and publishing the findings of the study of democracy in the country.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $25,000
Project Title: Promoting Citizen Participation and Freedom of Expression
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen the capacity of citizens to monitor and defend human rights, especially freedom of expression. Activities will include an advocacy campaign that utilizes art and online activism to promote human rights and democratic values in Venezuela.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $34,983
Project Title: Improving Local Democratic Governance
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To improve democratic governance in municipalities; and to overcome polarization by the promotion of community level socio-economic programs. A network of community leaders will advocate for solutions to public challenges in municipalities. This network will promote democracy, rule of law, and good governance. These leaders will also encourage citizen participation in political processes at the local level.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $40,000
Project Title: Defending Freedom of Expression Online
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To defend freedom of information and document disinformation campaigns. A new tool will track and document disinformation campaigns in Venezuela, and a public awareness campaign involving a series of digital, print, and public events will be carried out. The project will involve trips to relevant conferences and opportunities to disseminate information. A targeted audience will be informed.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $35,000
Project Title: Protecting Human Rights Defenders
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen a national human rights network. Activities will include the provision of technical and advocacy skills, and assistance to human rights activists as needed.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $65,000
Project Title: Venezuela Accountability Project
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To explore practical legal options for justice and accountability for perpetrators of atrocity crimes suffered by the Venezuelan people. The organization will collaborate with local and international stakeholders to analyze and convert existing raw information into case dossiers, legal memoranda, and indictments, which could be used by the international authorities to bring individual perpetrators to justice.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $48,250
Project Title: Promoting Leadership and Democratic Values
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To promote political participation and improve democratic leadership. Activities will include combining traditional civic education programming with cultural events to appeal to a broader base of marginalized citizens. The program will allow selected leaders to disseminate democratic ideas and values in their respective communities.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $35,000
Project Title: Promoting Freedom of Expression and Investigative Journalism
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To raise awareness of freedom of expression violations in Venezuela. Special reports on the state of freedom of expression, censorship, and attacks against independent media will be completed and presented to the general public. Activities will also include public forums and discussion related to freedom of expression in the country.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $100,000
Project Title: Promoting Civic and Political Participation
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To promote civic and political participation. The group will strengthen its network of community leaders to oversee political processes in their municipalities and to advocate for solutions to public challenges in their municipalities. The network will promote citizen participation in identifying problems and mobilize citizens to advocate for the resolution of these issues with their local authorities. Lastly, the group will train and prepare its members to participate in political processes.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $40,000
Project Title: Engaging in Political Innovation
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To foster increased political engagement among citizens and promote innovation. Through trainings, networking, mentoring, and small funding, youth will develop projects that address the humanitarian situation, engage citizens in public affairs, and reach out to new sectors and groups. Activities will foster greater civic engagement in targeted communities.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $40,000
Project Title: Promoting Youth Leadership and Democratic Values
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To expand and strengthen a network through promoting democratic values; and to bolster democratic knowledge, leadership skills, and participation of citizens through democratic capacity-building efforts. Activities will include civic education workshops and cultural events targeting vulnerable communities. Dissemination of democratic ideas and values will occur with participants.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $35,000
Project Title: Defending Human Rights Victims
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To defend human rights victims before domestic and international courts, and raise international visibility on the human rights situation in Venezuela. Information collected from legal assistance efforts on behalf of victims of arbitrary detentions and torture, will inform a report on the human rights situation in Venezuela.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $17,000
Project Title: Increasing Understanding of the International Criminal Court
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To increase understanding of the processes and procedures utilized by multilateral bodies dealing with criminal cases among civil society organizations in Venezuela and to assist Venezuelan groups improve the quality of information collected on human rights violations. In collaboration with local partners, a database of human rights violations will be created. Trainings on multilateral criminal jurisdiction, processes and procedures will be provided.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $61,128
Project Title: Promoting Freedom of Expression and Access to Information
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To raise awareness of freedom of expression violations in Venezuela. Special reports on the state of freedom of expression, censorship, and attacks against independent media will be completed and presented to the general public.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $50,867
Project Title: Promoting Access to Justice and Public Services
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To facilitate citizens' access to justice and to monitor electoral processes in Venezuela. Legal assistance to Venezuelan citizens will be provided, and the electoral process will be monitored and awareness of electoral irregularities raised.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $35,000
Project Title: Empowering Female Students as Political and Social Leaders
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To empower female students to become political and social leaders who promote democratic change. The group will train women on leadership, political advocacy, and the role of women in a democracy. Twelve groups will carry out micro-projects and receive mentorship and feedback. The organization will carry out a national event for female leaders from political, social and student organizations. Leaders will discuss key issues facing women and youth, and develop an advocacy strategy to raise awareness about a topic that the government is not addressing.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $45,000
Project Title: Promoting Political Engagement and Advocacy
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To encourage citizens to participate in local, regional, and national governance processes. Working outside Caracas, citizens will participate and monitor political trends and advocate for policies that respond to citizen needs.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $25,000
Project Title: Reducing Polarization in Communities in Venezuela
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To strengthen Venezuela's social fabric and to reduce polarization in society. The organization will map out the needs of communities and invite members to participate in local dialogues. It will employ a deliberative democracy model to engage citizens in discussions about key problems citizens are facing. The group will also carry out trainings to help citizens launch advocacy campaigns and to raise awareness about the challenges they face. It will publish the outcomes of the discussions and its resources on its website and on social media.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Monitoring and Accountability of Policy Makers
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To improve democratic checks and balances. Through work with civil society groups, technical assistance will be provided, dialogue with experts and citizens facilitated, and progress reports to policy makers offered.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $44,834
Project Title: Promoting Youth Leadership and Democratic Values
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To expand and strengthen a network through promoting democratic values; and to bolster democratic knowledge, leadership skills, and participation of citizens through democratic capacity-building efforts. Activities will include civic education workshops and cultural events targeting vulnerable communities. Dissemination of democratic ideas and values will occur with participants among their respective communities.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $60,000
Project Title: Promoting Democratic Values
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To promote democratic values among vulnerable populations in Venezuela. Citizens will learn the value of leadership and public service, and will gain experience to take on greater leadership roles in their respective communities and organizations.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $59,240
Project Title: Ensuring Access to Independent and Uncensored Information
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To enhance the availability and reliability of independent, verified and uncensored information in Venezuela, and to raise awareness about misinformation campaigns, especially via Twitter. Contingency plans will be developed to protect independent media from cyberattacks, and joint investigations in four critical areas will be published. The use and spread of misinformation via Twitter will be reported.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $75,000
Project Title: Protecting Human Rights Defenders
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen a national human rights network. Work will be carried out to consolidate the network, strengthen technical and advocacy skills, and provide assistance to human rights activists as needed, both domestically and internationally.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $54,530
Project Title: Facilitating Humanitarian Aid Relief
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To establish a network that will monitor and coordinate relief efforts to vulnerable populations. Activities will include informing domestic and international audiences about the critical situation and litigating cases before domestic and international human rights bodies.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $43,290
Project Title: Strengthening Female Leadership in Venezuela
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Strengthening Political Institutions
Description: To empower women in leadership positions through capacity building. Women will improve leadership skills and establish strategic alliances to articulate and promote their interests and agendas. Women leaders will increase their participation in politics and civil society. Capacity building efforts will provide technical assistance for hundreds of female leaders.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $40,000
Project Title: Monitoring the Human Rights Conditions in Venezuela
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To promote human rights and raise awareness on the human rights situation in Venezuela. Project activities will include monitoring and reporting human rights violations, organizing trainings on democratic values and human rights, and producing and disseminating reports in Venezuela and abroad. Presentations both in and outside Venezuela will also be organized.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $45,000
Project Title: Assessing Perceptions of Democracy in Venezuela
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To assess the state of democracy in different locations throughout Venezuela. Project activities will include surveying Venezuelans to get a better understanding of citizen perceptions of democracy across the country. Activities will also include conducting interviews, focus groups, and publishing the findings of the study of democracy in the country.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $35,000
Project Title: Promoting Dialogue and Reconciliation
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Conflict Resolution
Description: To promote political dialogue and reconciliation among the general population. Project activities will include discussions that convene citizens across the ideological spectrum, as well as public forums, gatherings, and events to raise awareness on the value of dialogue and consensus building. Through these efforts, ideological gaps will be explored and bridged.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $100,000
Project Title: Fostering Leadership in Low-Income Communities
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To enhance the democratic values and leadership skills of grassroots leaders. Civic education and grassroots organizing workshops will be carried out with women heads of household using an existing network of community centers. Communities will be encouraged to identify and respond to local demands.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $20,000
Project Title: Promoting Political Dialogue
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To promote discussion about key democratic challenges in Venezuela. Forums, roundtable discussions, and working group meetings with leaders and intellectuals will aid in the development of proposals to address Venezuela's most significant problems.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $24,910
Project Title: Promoting Political Engagement
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To train and promote participation in politics, thus advocating for democracy and rule of law and to continue strengthening participation in local and national governance and build capacity for renewed leadership. A network of emerging leaders will be consolidated and trained. Similarly, emerging leaders will learn new tools and knowledge to engage in decision-making processes and strengthen their project management capacities.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $25,000
Project Title: Monitoring Human Rights Conditions
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To monitor and report on human rights conditions among marginalized populations and provide trainings for human rights defenders. Data collection, interviews, analysis of information, and the development of materials will raise awareness on the human rights situation in the country. An annual report will be produced and presented at public events.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $36,799
Project Title: Circumventing Censorship and Informing Citizens
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To circumvent government censorship of independent media, allowing citizens to access daily news reports. Short daily audio and video reports, a weekly broadcast, and a new program summarizing investigations will be disseminated. All content produced will be disseminated and posted online. In addition, a targeted communications campaign will be conducted.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $83,618
Project Title: Promoting the Rule of Law
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To enhance the capacity of local actors to restore the rule of law in Venezuela. The organization will offer tailored, expert information on the judicial reforms necessary to restore the rule of law. International experts will advise Venezuelan counterparts and offer comparative examples for improving the human rights and rule of law situation.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $53,224
Project Title: Best Practices in Citizen Engagement
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To enhance understanding on best practices for increasing citizen participation in selected states. Successful strategies for engaging citizens will be identified and shared in states that have traditionally low levels of participation. Grassroots, social and political activists will be trained on best practices and alternative communication tools.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $14,632
Project Title: Promoting Independent Journalism
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To engage journalists and media outlets in defending freedom of expression and democracy. Activities will include trainings on investigative journalism tools and the use of social media in disseminating news. The project will also foster media pluralism. Activities will also include monitoring and reporting on the state of media throughout the country.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $55,000
Project Title: Monitoring Human Rights Conditions
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To monitor and report on human rights conditions among marginalized populations. Data collection, interviews, analysis of information, and the development of materials will raise awareness on the human rights situation in the country. An annual report will be produced and presented at public events.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $35,430
Project Title: Monitoring the Human Rights Situation
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To promote human rights and raise awareness of the situation in Venezuela. Human rights violations will be monitored and reported. Trainings on democratic values and human rights will be organized, and reports will be produced and disseminated in Venezuela and abroad.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $40,893
Project Title: Strengthening Women as Community Leaders
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To strengthen the leadership capacity of women who have been victims of human rights abuses. The organization will carry out a human rights training program for women to educate them on human rights principles and political, social and economic freedoms. Women will reproduce the trainings in their local communities. The group will also provide women with legal, psychological and medical assistance to strengthen woman as leaders and to help them become a voice for other victims of violence.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $35,000
Project Title: Promoting Democratic Governance at the Local Level in Venezuela
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To promote human and civil rights in Venezuela; and to improve local governments' capacity to respond to citizens' concerns. The program will work with civil society to raise awareness on the human rights violations and social conflicts in their communities.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $34,970
Project Title: Promoting Human Rights
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen the capacity of civil society network in region. This network will be expanded to advocate for human rights and democracy in several states of Venezuela. This network will document and denounce rights violations, document illegal activities, and will collaborate with domestic and international organizations to raise the visibility of select cases.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $75,920
Project Title: Promoting Human Rights through Creative Tools
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To foster a better understanding of human rights and the documentation of human rights violations in communities, as well as to strengthen the capacity of community members to use cultural tools in raising awareness on human and civil rights. Cultural tools and human rights workshops will be used to disseminate pro-human rights messages in communities.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $81,665
Project Title: Promoting Human Rights
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen human rights organizations' ability to demand adherence to international human rights standards. Trainings, workshops, and public forums will be organized to educate civil society about international human rights standards. A newsletter and other information on human rights issues will be produced.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $65,124
Project Title: Strengthening Human Rights Defenders
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To consolidate a network of human rights defenders to document and denounce human rights violations; and to promote increased collaboration and advocacy efforts at the international level for a coordinated response to the humanitarian crisis. Grassroots leaders will learn how to document, denounce violations, and advocate for solutions regarding human rights abuses.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $51,450
Project Title: Strengthening the Capacity of Nascent Civil Society Organizations
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: NGO Strengthening
Description: To strengthen the capacity of nascent organizations to defend the rights of vulnerable groups and report human rights violations. Through trainings, mentoring, small grants and regional exchanges, new civil society voices will be consolidated. The group will also facilitate regional exchanges to discuss common challenges, share lessons learned, and identify joint advocacy strategies.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $59,565
Project Title: Strengthening Outreach, Communication and Organizational Capacity
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Political Processes
Description: To strengthen the communication capacity of democratic actors and to strengthen the nationwide civil society network. Communications teams will develop a message of hope and support for democracy, and help disseminate it through its nationwide network of local activists. It will also continue to provide training and support to local activists to maintain a nationwide presence.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $91,280
Project Title: Monitoring the Human Rights Conditions in Venezuela
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To promote human rights and raise awareness on the human rights situation in Venezuela. Project activities will include monitoring and reporting human rights violations; organizing trainings on democratic values and human rights; and producing and disseminating reports in Venezuela and abroad. Presentations both in and outside Venezuela will also be organized.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $51,500
Project Title: Promoting Political Participation
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To promote Venezuelan youth participation in politics through trainings, thus advocating for democracy and rule of law. The project will continue its training program to provide emerging leaders with tools and knowledge to engage in decision-making processes and strengthen their activism capacities. The project will consolidate its network of emerging leaders, activists, and members of civil society organizations.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $24,000
Project Title: Youth Leadership Empowerment and Socio-Political Participation
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To enhance local leadership, and its participation in local governance in Venezuela; and to foster political participation, maintain open political spaces for political dialogue, and community participation, and establish new pluralistic spaces. The project will produce a training program to promote community and local leadership, foster and create new areas for participation and social activism, and support the adoption of community driven public policies.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $30,000
Project Title: Conducting Civic Engagement on Pressing Public Problems
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To conduct civic education and empower citizens. A manual will be developed and workshops will be conducted. Civic engagement campaigns will then occur in different locations.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $40,000
Project Title: Promoting Human Rights
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen human rights organizations' abilities to demand adherence to international human rights standards. Activities will include trainings, workshops, public forums on international human rights standards, and a newsletter on human rights issues. Activities will also include interactions and advocacy with global human rights organizations in order to inform them about human rights violations throughout the country.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $70,000
Project Title: Promoting Access to Justice
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To raise domestic and international awareness about the criminalization of social protest in Venezuela. Activities will include tools and trainings on holistic risk analysis and digital, physical and organizational security will be shared with human rights defenders. Activities will also include interactions with the global human rights community to raise awareness about the human right situation in the country.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $32,000
Project Title: Strengthening Human Rights Defenders
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To consolidate a network of human rights defenders and increase its reach internationally. Information on human rights norms and how to document human rights violations will be shared with civic leaders, and the existing domestic network will be expanded. Collaboration and interactions with like-minded organizations will be promoted.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $41,000
Project Title: Improving Democratic Governance in Venezuela
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To promote democratic governance at the local level. A series of forums aimed at furthering citizen participation will be organized throughout the country. Independent analysis on current socio-economic and political developments will be shared with the general public.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $33,900
Project Title: Raising Awareness on Human Rights
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To raise awareness about the state of human rights. A network defending human that raise awareness of the social and human rights situation will be strengthened. Civil society groups in the country will foster their collective advocacy for the respect of human rights and return to democracy in their communities.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $80,000
Project Title: Strengthening Outreach, Communication and Organizational Capacity
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Political Processes
Description: To strengthen outreach, communication, and organizational capacity; and to encourage participation in the upcoming political processes. Increased interaction and synergies between civil society and grassroots organizations throughout the country will be promoted, and public campaigns to educate citizens and encourage participation in upcoming political processes will be designed.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $210,150
Project Title: Increasing Transparency of China-Venezuela Relations
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To strengthen transparency and accountability regarding Venezuela's political, economic, technological, and military relation with authoritarian countries. The project will include engagement with independent media organizations to investigate and document Venezuelan relations over the past 15 years. Once completed, the research will be published in a dedicated website, and will be presented in individual meetings to civil society, academics, and members of the National Assembly.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Strengthening Communication, Leadership and Outreach Capacity
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Political Processes
Description: To strengthen internal communication and cohesion; and to consolidate a nationwide network of social and political activists. Regional communications teams will improve the flow of information and strengthen local activism. Grassroots organizations working on eight social sectors will be mapped in a database.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $120,000
Project Title: Reporting on Human Rights Violations and the Humanitarian Crisis
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To increase visibility of the humanitarian crisis and human rights violations. Testimonies from victims will be collected and reports on human rights abuses and the consequences of the humanitarian crisis will be compiled and disseminated. Practical information on how to document and process complaints will be shared
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $37,694
Project Title: Improving Public Policies
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To strengthen the government's capacity to develop and implement effective public security policies. An assessment will be conducted, and work with public servants and civil society groups will be carried out to improve policy proposals.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $35,000
Project Title: Advancing Research on the State of Democracy
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To promote independent political research and analysis on the state of democracy and provide strategic recommendations to defend democratic space in Venezuela. Activities will include monitoring political developments, facilitating dialogue and roundtable discussions on policy alternatives, and completing a report on the Venezuelan electoral system and conditions for participation.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $45,691
Project Title: Strengthening Democratic Principles Among Youth
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To strengthen leadership skills and democratic principles among Venezuelan and Latin American youth. The program will organize an international youth seminar in Venezuela. Following the seminar, Venezuelan participants will carry out replication workshops in the provinces, and regional and Venezuelan youth will collaborate in an international awareness campaign.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $39,970
Project Title: Raising Awareness about Human Rights Situation in Venezuela
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To raise awareness about the human rights situation in Venezuela by fostering a dialogue between civil society leaders and their counterparts throughout the world. The group will organize a series of meetings and trainings related to international human rights standards.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $49,916
Project Title: Formulating a Comprehensive Public Policy Reform Package
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To establish a network that will monitor and coordinate relief efforts to vulnerable populations. Activities will include informing domestic and international audiences about the critical situation and litigating cases before domestic and international human rights bodies.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $177,200
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