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The database includes records of grants the National Endowment for Democracy has awarded in the past three years. The data is refreshed periodically to ensure that new awards are reflected in search results.


Search results for Project Country: Iran
Project Focus:
Displaying records 1-25 of 51 results
All results totalling $4,572,831
Total may include redundant amount due to supplements.

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Project Title: Public Political Dialogue
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To improve accountability in Iran by facilitating improved communications between citizens and members of Parliament. The grantee will customize and promote a set of online tools that will allow Iranian citizens to engage elected officials in matters of concern to them through constructive dialogue.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $44,064
Project Title: Expanding Political Process Monitoring for Accountability
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To improve local cultures of accountability and civic engagement in Iran. The project will build the capacity of Iranian citizens to conduct community-level political process monitoring through a focused training program, including conducting workshops on monitoring and training skills, delivering Farsi-language materials and developing new resources, and mentoring participants.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $200,000
Project Title: Iran Parliament Watch
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To promote transparency in Iranian politics and engage citizens to advocate accountability and responsiveness to citizens' needs on the part of parliamentarians. The grantee will develop and maintain a website providing cross-referenced records of the public statements, legislative records, and other public activities of parliamentarians and candidates for office.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $60,000
Project Title: Monitoring Human Rights Violations
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To raise awareness about, monitor and document human rights violations and to enhance communication and information access for human rights activists. The organization will publish and distribute reports on human rights violations and compile related data. It will also provide technical assistance in the fields of communication and online security.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $124,500
Project Title: Raising the Legal Debate in Iran
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To raise awareness through debates among Iranian lawyers and civil society actors about the rule of law and fundamental rights and to strengthen a network of democratic jurists and human rights defenders in Iran. The project will produce Farsi-language content to serve as a resource for Iranian lawyers, law students, and clerics.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Empowering Iranian Women to Demand Economic Rights
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To empower civil society to advocate for the increased legal rights of women and decrease obstacles to their integration and full participation in the national discourse. The project will increase the capacity of local civic actors to lead efforts for increased legal rights of businesswomen in Iran and advocate to reform laws that discriminate against women.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $351,532
Project Title: Iran Human Rights Memorial Project
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To promote the education and discussion of human rights and democracy in Iran. The Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation (ABF) will grow its database and expand its on-line projects: the Human Rights and Democracy Library and Omid. ABF will monitor and document the ongoing human rights violations and disseminate its findings to the public in Iran. ABF will further advocate for accountability to its international treaty obligations and for the people they are to protect.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $30,000
Project Title: Promoting Debates on Iran's Future
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To engage members of the Iranian intelligentsia in public deliberation on the social, economic, and political prospects of a democratic Iran. An online forum will facilitate debate among Iranian activists, students and academics on relevant issues. The project will also publish an online journal and solicit contributions from experts on topics pertinent to Iran's future.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $26,600
Project Title: Strengthening Independent Journalism
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To enhance journalistic and research skills among Farsi-speaking journalists, and to galvanize citizens to press for greater transparency and accountability. Online tools and resources will be developed to help journalists utilize digital public data in reporting and provide a forum for ongoing exchange and guidance through a network of journalists.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $117,000
Project Title: Iran Human Rights Memorial Project
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To promote the education and discussion of human rights and democracy in Iran. The Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation (ABF) will grow its database and expand its on-line projects: the Human Rights and Democracy Library and Omid. ABF will monitor and document the ongoing human rights violations and disseminate its findings to the public in Iran. ABF will further advocate for accountability to its international treaty obligations and for the people they are to protect.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $9,100
Project Title: Strengthening Iranian Journalism
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To strengthen independent professional journalism and promote networking among media professionals. The organization will maintain and further develop an online resource center for journalists and media professionals in Iran. Through a Farsi-language website, the grantee will also publish news and updates relevant to local journalists, and will monitor and document violations against journalists.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Iran Human Rights Memorial Project
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To promote human rights and democracy education and discourse. The organization will monitor and document human rights violations, publically disseminate its findings, and advocate for Iran's accountability to its international treaty obligations as well as for victims of human rights violations. The grantee will also expand its human rights database and online documentation initiatives.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $80,000
Project Title: Empowering Civil Organizations
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To promote government accountability and responsiveness. The grantee will support its network of local civic groups in monitoring and documenting elected officials' fulfillment of campaign promises. In addition, the network will identify constituent priorities through surveys and interviews, and lead advocacy efforts through outreach to public officials and media. The grantee will also monitor, fact-check and counter disinformation.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $53,000
Project Title: Enhancing Legal Debates
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To raise awareness through debates among Iranian lawyers and civil society actors about the rule of law and fundamental rights and to strengthen a network of democratic jurists and human rights defenders in Iran. The project will produce Farsi-language content to serve as a resource for Iranian lawyers, law students, and clerics.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $47,000
Project Title: Engaging Civil Society in Environmental Accountability
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To promote environmental accountability and transparency. The organization will raise awareness of environmental challenges in Iran and offer policy and scientific solutions to address them. The project will strengthen civil society's ability to understand the root causes of Iran's environmental issues, and will advocate for greater environmental accountability and transparency.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $97,900
Project Title: Human Rights
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To raise awareness about human rights and strengthen the capacity of human rights defenders. The organization will monitor, document and report on human rights violations. The grantee will work closely with human rights defenders to build their reporting and advocacy skills, and will share its monitoring findings with the United Nations and international human rights organizations.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $30,000
Project Title: Strengthening Independent Journalism
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To provide Farsi-speaking journalists with resources and online tools to establish and maintain journalism associations, and to enhance reporting skills of Farsi-speaking journalists to press for greater transparency and accountability. The program will develop online tools and resources, help Farsi-speaking journalists utilize digital public data on establishing and maintaining journalism associations, and enhance their skills through an online network.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $153,119
Project Title: Good Governance
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To promote issue-based socioeconomic discourse and to enhance accountability, transparency, and participation as core values within Iranian society. The grantee will fact-check data released by the Iranian government and publish a series of briefs analyzing the accuracy of public statements and publications. The grantee will also produce thematic reports summarizing its fact-checking analyses on timely topics related to good governance.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $78,000
Project Title: Empowering Civil Organizations
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To promote government accountability and responsiveness. The grantee will support its network of local civic groups in monitoring and documenting elected officials' fulfillment of campaign promises. In addition, the network will identify constituent priorities through surveys and interviews, and lead advocacy efforts through outreach to public officials and media. The grantee will also monitor, fact-check and counter disinformation.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $53,000
Project Title: Enhancing the Capacity of Human Rights Lawyers
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To enable a network of human rights lawyers and civil society actors to effectively communicate human rights violations using United Nations human rights mechanisms and to build the capacity of the human rights lawyers' network. The program will include a workshop to outline reports and produce action plans to engage the U.N. and other international institutions.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Human Rights
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To raise awareness about human rights and strengthen the capacity of human rights defenders. The organization will monitor, document and report on human rights violations. The grantee will work closely with human rights defenders to build their reporting and advocacy skills, and will share its monitoring findings with the United Nations and international human rights organizations.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $45,000
Project Title: Iran Human Rights Memorial Project
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To promote human rights and democracy education and discourse. The organization will monitor and document human rights violations, publically disseminate its findings, and advocate for Iran's accountability to its international treaty obligations as well as for victims of human rights violations. The grantee will also expand its human rights database and online documentation initiatives.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $80,000
Project Title: Monitoring Human Rights Violations
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To raise awareness about, monitor and document human rights violations and to enhance communication and information access for human rights activists. The organization will publish and distribute reports on human rights violations and compile related data. It will also provide technical assistance in the fields of communication and online security.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $103,500
Project Title: Publication of a Legal Journal
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To raise awareness through debates among Iranian lawyers and civil society actors about the rule of law and fundamental rights and to strengthen a network of democratic jurists and human rights defenders in Iran. The project will produce Farsi-language content to serve as a resource for Iranian lawyers, law students, and clerics.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $45,000
Project Title: Strengthening Journalism
Project Region: Middle East & North Africa
Project Country: Iran
Project Focus: Freedom of Association
Description: To strengthen independent professional journalism and promote networking among media professionals. The organization will maintain and further develop an online resource center for journalists and media professionals in Iran. Through a Farsi-language website, the grantee will also publish news and updates relevant to local journalists, and will monitor and document violations against journalists.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $50,000
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