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The database includes records of grants the National Endowment for Democracy has awarded in the past three years. The data is refreshed periodically to ensure that new awards are reflected in search results.


Search results for Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus:
Displaying records 26-50 of 111 results
All results totalling $12,981,627
Total may include redundant amount due to supplements.

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Project Title: Interactive Theatre: Expanding Space for Dialogue
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To foster critical and engaged debate and dialogue on democratic values among the public. The grantee will organize theater performances that encourage discussions on democracy. The project will also collaborate with civil society groups from across the country on the development and organization of dialogue theater and arts events as a way to engage citizens on current challenges to democracy.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $51,000
Project Title: Strengthening Grassroots Leaders' Capacity to Promote and Protect Human Rights
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To bolster the capacity of local community leaders to advocate for human rights. The project will provide opportunities for participants to enhance their knowledge and ability to advocate for community rights protection and raise public awareness about human rights violations in their region. Activities will include a workshop on legal protections for human rights defenders, discussions on community rights, and advocacy.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $35,000
Project Title: Fostering Transparency and Accountability through Investigative Journalism
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To promote investigative reporting, in-depth examination of public policies, and the values of transparency and accountability. The grantee will publish investigative reports on its web portal, examining topics such as corruption and lack of transparency in private-public business partnerships, human rights violations, community rights issues, marginalized populations, and democratic processes.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $30,000
Project Title: Strategic Litigation and Community Empowerment in Support of Environmental Rights
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To strengthen citizens' ability to exercise their environmental rights and promote government and corporate accountability. Project activities will include strategic litigation on specific environmental cases that could have far-reaching implications for environmental law and regulation; trainings on citizens' rights for local communities; and public awareness efforts to raise the profile of environmental issues, human rights, and rule of law.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $55,000
Project Title: Online Media Platform on Critical Social, Economic, and Political Issues
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To provide the public with a source of independent news and information on critical political, social, and economic issues and to contribute to the public discourse on these topics. The organization will establish an online media platform that will publish a range of content, including investigative reports, opinion columns, interviews, and video documentaries. The platform will focus on topics such as democratization; political, economic and cultural changes in Thailand; corruption; rule of law; and the impact of regional and global trends on Thailand.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Support for Independent Media
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To provide the Thai public with a credible source of independent news reporting and editorial commentary and to foster public participation in open debate. The grantee will publish Prachatai.com, an online Thai- and English-language daily newspaper that covers underreported issues in the areas of politics, natural resources, and the environment.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Promoting Media Professionalism and Freedom
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To promote media professionalism and freedom and strengthen media literacy among the public. The institute will organize monthly public forums on media ethics and convene consultations with media practitioners on press freedom. It will also monitor the performance of the Thai media and post reports on its website.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $15,000
Project Title: Strengthening Community Leaders' Capacity to Promote Democracy
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen grassroots activists' knowledge and practice of democratic principles. Activities will include a series of workshops for community leaders on democracy and human rights, dialogue sessions with local communities, and a public forum to highlight challenges to democracy and forge stronger linkages among civil society actors.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $31,100
Project Title: Enhancing Human Rights Protection and Access to Justice
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To promote human rights and enhance access to justice for victims of rights violations. The program will provide legal assistance to those affected by the government policies and actions that contravene internationally recognized human rights standards. Activities will include operation of a legal assistance center, trial observations, and monitoring and documentation of human rights across the country.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $125,500
Project Title: Strengthening a Network of Human Rights Lawyers
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen a network of lawyers engaged in the protection of human rights, particularly the rights of marginalized populations. The organization will coordinate networking and capacity- building opportunities for young human rights lawyers; undertake strategic litigation on critical issues; and conduct legal advocacy activities.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Reinforcing Democratic Principles
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Political Processes
Description: To foster a culture of citizen engagement and democratic governance. The institute will work with local partners to strengthen knowledge and understanding of democratic principles and practices among youth and women leaders. Activities will include a series of capacity-building workshops and civic education initiatives.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $405,000
Project Title: Fostering Youth Participation in Democratic Processes
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Political Processes
Description: To strengthen youth participation in democratic processes. Activities will include trainings on civic education topics and workshops to build the capacity of young people to engage in political and governance processes. Participants will conduct follow-on trainings to share their knowledge with peers.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $70,000
Project Title: Human Rights Volunteer Project
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To support the development of a new generation of human rights activists. The program will place young people as volunteers with civil society organizations throughout the country to introduce them to human rights issues and encourage them to become active participants in the country's human rights movement. Young activists will also network with fellow activists from other countries to share knowledge and experience on democracy promotion.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $80,000
Project Title: Fostering Democratic Values and Practices
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen grassroots activists' knowledge and practice of democratic principles. The project will conduct a series of trainings on democracy and human rights, dialogue sessions with local communities from six provinces, and a public forum to highlight challenges to democracy. These activities will forge stronger linkages among civil society and lay the foundation for a regional network to promote democracy.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Fostering Dialogue and Promoting Democratic Values
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To strengthen awareness of democratic ideas and values among the public, particularly youth. The grantee will organize a series of structured discussions on social and topical issues to promote critical thinking, open dialogue, and tolerance for diverse viewpoints.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $35,000
Project Title: Strengthening Regional Human Rights Networks
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To enhance the capacity of university students, activists, and community leaders to strengthen democracy and human rights. Activities will include a series of advanced trainings for advocates on strategies to build and expand their local networks and provide opportunities for activists to collaborate with one another to promote democratic values.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $45,000
Project Title: Preparing Political Parties for Legal Reforms
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To assist political parties to comply with the new political party law, the institute will provide technical and academic advice to enable them to gain knowledge and strengthen their ability to address provisions in the law. Activities will focus on sharing international best practices in such areas as internal party democracy, recruitment, membership fees, branch development and candidate selection. Other areas of focus will include exploring how information and communications technology tools could assist the parties in their efforts to comply with the new law
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $440,000
Project Title: Monitoring the Impact of New Laws on Civil and Political Rights
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To foster public understanding and dialogue on the impact of existing and proposed laws on civil and political rights and to promote freedom of expression. The organization will monitor the lawmaking process and provide the public with accessible analysis of how various pieces of legislation will affect their rights. It will also operate a documentation center to monitor and report on the status of freedom of expression.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $40,000
Project Title: Bolstering Human Rights Protection and Access to Justice
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To promote human rights and enhance access to justice for victims of rights violations. The program will provide legal assistance to those affected by policies and actions that contravene internationally recognized human rights standards. Activities will include legal aid and litigation support as well as monitoring and documentation of human rights violations across the country.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $104,700
Project Title: Empowering Citizen Journalism in the Northeast
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To strengthen the capacity of citizen journalists to report on political, economic, and development issues in the Northeastern region. The grantee will organize a series of trainings for participants on a range of topics including good practices for news reporting; feature and investigative story writing; and photography and videography. Participants will produce news reports and feature stories, which will be published on a news website.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Fostering Citizen Participation in Advancing Democracy
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To foster citizen engagement in advancing democracy. The project will strengthen a network of citizens committed to promoting democratic principles. Activities will include a series of meetings, trainings, and public events that provide participants with opportunities to collaborate with one another, amplify their voices, and contribute to discussions on democracy and human rights.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Fostering Democratic Values and Practices
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen grassroots activists' knowledge and practice of democratic principles. The organization will conduct a series of trainings on democracy and human rights, provide ongoing support to participants who will go on to lead dialogue sessions with local communities, and organize public forums to highlight challenges to democracy and to lay the foundation for a regional civil society network to promote democracy.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $45,000
Project Title: Fostering Dialogue and Promoting Democratic Values
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To strengthen democratic awareness and values among the public, particularly youth. The organization will undertake a series of activities to promote critical thinking, open dialogue, and tolerance for diverse viewpoints. Discussions and trainings will support young people's engagement on democracy and human rights issues.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $34,769
Project Title: Human Rights Volunteer Project
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To support the development of a new generation of human rights activists. The organization will coordinate a program to place young people as volunteers with civil society organizations to introduce them to human rights issues and encourage them to become active participants in the country's human rights movement. Other activities will include workshops on democracy and human rights principles for young people interested in becoming more active in promoting rights.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $72,000
Project Title: Online Media Platform on Critical Social, Economic, and Political Issues
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Thailand
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To provide the public with a source of independent news and information on critical political, social, and economic issues and contribute to the public discourse on these topics. The organization will establish an online media platform that will publish a range of content, including investigative reports, opinion columns, interviews, and video documentaries, which will focus on topics such as democratization; political, economic and cultural changes in Thailand; corruption; rule of law; and the impact of regional and global trends on Thailand.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $70,000
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