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The database includes records of grants the National Endowment for Democracy has awarded in the past three years. The data is refreshed periodically to ensure that new awards are reflected in search results.


Search results for Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus:
Displaying records 76-100 of 222 results
All results totalling $12,902,496
Total may include redundant amount due to supplements.

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Project Title: Promoting Dialogue and Reconciliation
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Conflict Resolution
Description: To promote political dialogue and reconciliation. Discussions that convene citizens across the ideological spectrum will be organized. Public forums and events will raise awareness on the value of dialogue in generating consensus and bridging ideological gaps.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $54,852
Project Title: Promoting Transitional Justice Principles
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To promote greater understanding of transitional justice principles and to facilitate coordination among human rights organizations to create a victims registry. Activities will include public events on transitional justice, as well as available mechanisms to offer redress and reparations to human rights victims. Through coordination with human rights groups, a database of human rights cases will be created.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $36,400
Project Title: Promoting Political Dialogue
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To promote discussion about key democratic challenges in Venezuela. Forums, roundtable discussions, and working group meetings with leaders and intellectuals will aid in the development of proposals to address Venezuela's most significant problems.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $24,910
Project Title: Formulating a Comprehensive Public Policy Reform Package
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To establish a network that will monitor and coordinate relief efforts to vulnerable populations. Activities will include informing domestic and international audiences about the critical situation and litigating cases before domestic and international human rights bodies.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $177,200
Project Title: Assessing Perceptions of Democracy in Venezuela
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To assess the state of democracy in different locations throughout Venezuela. Project activities will include surveying Venezuelans to get a better understanding of citizen perceptions of democracy across the country. Activities will also include conducting interviews, focus groups, and publishing the findings of the study of democracy in the country.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $25,000
Project Title: Best Practices in Citizen Engagement
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To enhance understanding on best practices for increasing citizen participation in selected states. Successful strategies for engaging citizens will be identified and shared in states that have traditionally low levels of participation. Grassroots, social and political activists will be trained on best practices and alternative communication tools.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $14,632
Project Title: Defending Human Rights Victims
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $25,000
Project Title: Documenting Attacks Against the National Assembly
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To increase international attention on attacks against democratic institutions; and to increase understanding of the corrupt dealings between international companies and the Venezuelan state. Attacks against democratically elected leaders will be documented, and quarterly reports will be shared with the international community. Similarly, corruption will be documented and exposed.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $58,313
Project Title: Documenting Human Rights Violations
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To increase the visibility of human rights violations and political prisoners in six states of Venezuela. Information and tools on human rights, due process, the Venezuelan legal system, and international human rights instruments will be shared with local activists and grassroots leaders in targeted states. Emblematic human rights cases will increase visibility.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $15,000
Project Title: Ensuring Access to Independent and Uncensored Information
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To increase the availability of independent, verified, and uncensored information in Venezuela. Contingency plans to protect media from legal and cyber attacks will be devised. A strategy to increase media coverage of relevant issues and to promote financial sustainability will be developed.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $57,400
Project Title: Facilitating Humanitarian Aid Relief
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen a network that will monitor and coordinate relief efforts for vulnerable populations. Activities will include monitoring, recording, and informing domestic and international audiences about the critical situation and litigating cases before domestic and international human rights bodies. Activities will also include coordination with a collation of diverse civil society organizations.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $35,080
Project Title: Facilitating Policy Dialogues and Recommendations
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To promote independent political research and analysis on the state of democracy and provide strategic recommendations to defend democratic space in Venezuela. Political developments will be monitored and dialogue and roundtable discussions on policy proposals will be facilitated. Surveys and focus groups will be conducted to assess citizen support for the democratic process.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $80,000
Project Title: Formulating a Comprehensive Public Policy Reform Package
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To formulate a package of policy proposals to address urgent, immediate, and short term challenges facing Venezuela. Research and policy proposals addressing pressing challenges in various important sectors will be presented to democratic actors and pertinent audiences to encourage discussion and analysis.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $82,500
Project Title: Increasing Understanding of the International Criminal Court
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To increase understanding of the processes and procedures utilized by multilateral bodies dealing with criminal cases among civil society organizations in Venezuela and to assist Venezuelan groups improve the quality of information collected on human rights violations. In collaboration with local partners, a database of human rights violations will be created. Trainings on multilateral criminal jurisdiction, processes and procedures will be provided.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $61,128
Project Title: Leadership Empowerment and Socio-Political Participation
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To enhance leadership and participation in local governance and promote the inclusion of key issues in the formulation and implementation of local public policies. A training program will be expanded and the adoption of local public policies will be promoted. Tools for documenting and reporting human rights violations will be shared.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $62,000
Project Title: Monitoring Human Rights Conditions
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To monitor and report on human rights conditions among marginalized populations. Data collection, interviews, analysis of information, and the development of materials will raise awareness on the human rights situation in the country. An annual report will be produced and presented at public events.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $35,430
Project Title: Monitoring the Human Rights Conditions in Venezuela
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To promote human rights and raise awareness on the human rights situation in Venezuela. Project activities will include monitoring and reporting human rights violations; organizing trainings on democratic values and human rights; and producing and disseminating reports in Venezuela and abroad. Presentations both in and outside Venezuela will also be organized.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $51,500
Project Title: Promoting Access to Justice
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To raise domestic and international awareness about the criminalization of social protest in Venezuela. Activities will include tools and trainings on holistic risk analysis and digital, physical and organizational security will be shared with human rights defenders. Activities will also include interactions with the global human rights community to raise awareness about the human right situation in the country.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $32,000
Project Title: Promoting Citizen Journalism
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To bolster freedom of expression and information by enhancing a network of citizen journalism, alternative media platforms and civil society organizations; and to raise awareness about the current humanitarian, economic, security and human rights crises. Civil society organizations, journalists and citizens at large are trained on the use of alternative media platforms to share news and information.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $54,994
Project Title: Promoting Citizen Participation and Freedom of Expression
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To bolster the capacity of citizens to monitor and defend human rights; and to expose and denounce human rights violations internationally. Awareness raising campaigns and activities will occur domestically and abroad, as well as cultural and artistic events. Activities will also include public events promoting awareness about human rights.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $60,000
Project Title: Promoting Civic Education in Vulnerable Communities
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To promote civic engagement in multiple states in Venezuela. Activities will include a series of civic education and citizen empowerment workshops. Workshop participants will join a national network of civil society leaders from across the country. The network will encourage citizens at large to engage in issues of public concern.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $25,000
Project Title: Promoting Democratic Governance and Citizen Participation
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Political Processes
Description: To promote citizen participation in upcoming democratic processes. Tools and avenues to increase citizen participation are identified and shared. Incentives for engagement and participation in democratic processes will be explored. Through improved dialogue between citizens and elected officials, democratic governance will be strengthened.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $90,000
Project Title: Promoting Dialogue and Reconciliation
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Conflict Resolution
Description: To promote political dialogue and reconciliation among the general population. Project activities will include discussions that convene citizens across the ideological spectrum, as well as public forums, gatherings, and events to raise awareness on the value of dialogue and consensus building. Through these efforts, ideological gaps will be explored and bridged.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $100,000
Project Title: Promoting Freedom of Association
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Association
Description: To promote democratic values and freedom of association. Activities will include trainings on consensus building, democracy, and citizen participation. In addition, public awareness and advance the rights and interests of vulnerable populations will be advanced. Activities will include informational public forums and community discussions dealing with freedom of association rights throughout the country.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $55,000
Project Title: Promoting Freedom of Expression and Access to Information
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To raise awareness of freedom of expression violations in Venezuela. Special reports on the state of freedom of expression, censorship, and attacks against independent media will be completed and presented to the general public. Activities will also include public forums and discussion related to freedom of expression in the country.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $50,000
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