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The database includes records of grants the National Endowment for Democracy has awarded in the past three years. The data is refreshed periodically to ensure that new awards are reflected in search results.


Search results for Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus:
Displaying records 101-125 of 222 results
All results totalling $12,902,496
Total may include redundant amount due to supplements.

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Project Title: Promoting Human Rights
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To strengthen technical skills among civil society activists. Activities will include trainings for civil society and human rights activists, and the creation of a series of products that assist with the documentation of human rights violations. Advocacy products will also be produced.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $30,000
Project Title: Promoting Human Rights
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen human rights organizations' abilities to demand adherence to international human rights standards. Activities will include trainings, workshops, public forums on international human rights standards, and a newsletter on human rights issues. Activities will also include interactions and advocacy with global human rights organizations in order to inform them about human rights violations throughout the country.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $55,000
Project Title: Promoting Human Rights through Creative Tools
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To foster a better understanding of human rights and the documentation of human rights violations in communities as well as to strengthen the capacity of community members to use cultural tools in raising awareness on human and civil rights. Cultural tools and human rights workshops will be used to disseminate pro-human rights messages in communities.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $35,000
Project Title: Promoting Independent Journalism
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To engage journalists and media outlets in defending freedom of expression and democracy. Activities will include trainings on investigative journalism tools and the use of social media in disseminating news. The project will also foster media pluralism. Activities will also include monitoring and reporting on the state of media throughout the country.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $55,000
Project Title: Promoting Youth Leadership and Democratic Values
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To expand and strengthen a network through promoting democratic values; and to bolster democratic knowledge, leadership skills, and participation of citizens through democratic capacity-building efforts. Activities will include civic education workshops and cultural events targeting vulnerable communities. Dissemination of democratic ideas and values will occur with participants.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $36,850
Project Title: Promoting Youth Political Engagement and Advocacy for Youth Public Policies
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To promote participation and to advocate for the inclusion and implementation of public policies. A network of emerging leaders and activists will be strengthened, and tools to engage in the decision-making process and reinforce the project management capacity will be shared with emerging leaders.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $25,000
Project Title: Protecting Human Rights Defenders
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen a national human rights network. Activities will include the provision of technical and advocacy skills, and assistance to human rights activists as needed. Legal and material assistance will also be provided to select beneficiaries.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $67,050
Project Title: Raising Awareness on Human Rights
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To raise awareness about the state of human rights in the region and to foster the capacity of civil society and human rights defenders. Civil society awareness on human rights violations and social conflicts in their communities will be raised and human rights violations documented. The information collected will be disseminated through a dedicated website.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $35,000
Project Title: Reporting Human Rights Violations and the Humanitarian Crisis
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To bolster freedom of expression and information by enhancing a network of journalists and authors to document and report on human and social rights violations. Participants will be trained in storytelling, how to document the ongoing crisis and increase its visibility. Investigations, interviews, photographs, and videos will be produced and disseminated via social networks and through partnerships with national and international news outlets.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $15,000
Project Title: Reporting on Human Rights Violations and the Humanitarian Crisis
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To increase visibility of the humanitarian crisis and human rights violations. Testimonies from victims will be collected and reports on human rights abuses and the consequences of the humanitarian crisis will be compiled and disseminated. Practical information on how to document and process complaints will be shared
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $37,694
Project Title: Strengthening Female Leadership in Venezuela
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Strengthening Political Institutions
Description: To empower women in leadership positions through capacity building. Women will improve leadership skills and establish strategic alliances to articulate and promote their interests and agendas. Women leaders will increase their participation in politics and civil society. Capacity building efforts will provide technical assistance for hundreds of female leaders.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $40,000
Project Title: Strengthening Freedom of Association
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Association
Description: To promote freedom of association in Venezuela. Activities will include a survey of labor rights violations, an analysis of trends, and the development of information for domestic and international audiences. Public events and forums will also be conducted to discuss and raise awareness on freedom of association in the country.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $30,000
Project Title: Strengthening Human Rights Defenders
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To consolidate a network of human rights defenders and increase its reach internationally. Information on human rights norms and how to document human rights violations will be shared with civic leaders, and the existing domestic network will be expanded. Collaboration and interactions with like-minded organizations will be promoted.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $41,000
Project Title: Strengthening Human Rights Institutions
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen the role and capacities of human rights defenders and engage citizens in the defense of human rights and to increase international attention and condemnation against attacks on Venezuelan human rights defenders and activists. Capacity building workshops will be held for defenders and awareness raising campaigns will be organized, domestically and internationally.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $34,964
Project Title: Strengthening Outreach, Communication and Organizational Capacity
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Political Processes
Description: To strengthen outreach, communication, and organizational capacity; and to encourage participation in the upcoming political processes. Increased interaction and synergies between civil society and grassroots organizations throughout the country will be promoted, and public campaigns to educate citizens and encourage participation in upcoming political processes will be designed.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $210,150
Project Title: Supporting Democratic Actors
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To strengthen a network of organizations promoting democratic values. Activities will include trainings on democratic values and civic engagement. The project will also promote tolerance and reconciliation as means to decrease political polarization, and engage citizens to jointly address main community challenges. Activities will include community events and discussion promoting democratic values and collaborations among different community leaders.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $27,426
Project Title: Promoting Human Rights
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To increase understanding of the deteriorating political and socio-economic situation in Venezuela; and to engage civic-minded leaders. Activities will include fostering greater citizen awareness of and investment in democracy in Venezuela and carrying out activities in local communities to express solidarity.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $9,900
Project Title: Monitoring the Human Rights Conditions in Venezuela
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To promote human rights and raise awareness on the human rights situation in Venezuela. Project activities will include monitoring and reporting human rights violations; organizing trainings on democratic values and human rights; and producing and disseminating reports in Venezuela and abroad. Presentations both in and outside Venezuela will also be organized.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $5,000
Project Title: Supporting Democratic Actors
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To strengthen a network of organizations promoting democratic values. Activities will include trainings on democratic values and civic engagement. The project will also promote tolerance and reconciliation as means to decrease political polarization, and engage citizens to jointly address main community challenges. Activities will include community events and discussion promoting democratic values and collaborations among different community leaders.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $7,426
Project Title: Strengthening Venezuelan Democratic Actor Strategies
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Strengthening Political Institutions
Description: To assist democratic actors in strengthening governance agreements and coalitions in the face of challenges affecting the ability to support democratic ideas and values. The project will help develop political agendas and mobilization strategies to adapt to a variety of scenarios.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $253,233
Project Title: Supporting Critical Communications Capacities
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: NGO Strengthening
Description: To promote an informed citizenry that is better equipped to make decisions about the political future of Venezuela. The institute will bolster the communications capacity of democratic political and civic organizations through technical assistance to establish effective communication strategies and systems to coordinate with each other. The institute will help to reach consensus on messaging around proposals to alleviate Venezuela's severe humanitarian, economic and political crisis, as well as develop mechanisms to widely disseminate and obtain citizen feedback on those proposals.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $300,000
Project Title: Best Practices in Citizen Engagement
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To enhance understanding on best practices for increasing citizen participation in selected states. Successful strategies for engaging citizens will be identified and shared in states that have traditionally low levels of participation. Grassroots social and political activists will be trained on best practices and alternative communication tools.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $29,180
Project Title: Building Public Awareness on Democratic Initiatives
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To build public awareness about democratic initiatives throughout Venezuela. Activities will include providing targeted assistance to democratic actors throughout the country. Activities will also comprise a public awareness campaign targeting different groups and involve monthly updates and hosting a series of public events throughout the country.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $60,000
Project Title: Circumventing Censorship and Informing Citizens
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To circumvent government censorship of independent media, allowing citizens to access daily news reports. Short daily audio and video reports, a weekly broadcast, and a new program summarizing investigations will be disseminated. All content produced will be disseminated and posted online. In addition, a targeted communications campaign will be conducted.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $83,618
Project Title: Documenting Human Rights Violations
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Venezuela
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To increase the visibility of human rights violations and political prisoners in Venezuela. Information and tools on human rights, due process, the Venezuelan legal system, and international human rights instruments will be shared with local activists and grassroots leaders in targeted states. Emblematic human rights cases will increase visibility.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $35,000
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