Welcome to the National Endowment for Democracy's searchable grants database.

The database includes records of grants the National Endowment for Democracy has awarded in the past three years. The data is refreshed periodically to ensure that new awards are reflected in search results.


Search results for Project Country: korea
Project Focus:
Displaying records 76-92 of 92 results
All results totalling $17,414,816
Total may include redundant amount due to supplements.

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Project Title: Enhancing Access to Independent Information
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: North Korea
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To promote the free flow of information by exploring new approaches and tools. The project will organize an inaugural workshop that brings together activists, technologists, engineers, and other key stakeholders to research and map current technologies that restrict outside information and identify new methods to enhance access to information in North Korea.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $89,000
Project Title: Enhancing Access to Information through Mediumwave Radio Broadcast
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: North Korea
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To support the free flow of information into North Korea. The organization will broadcast a weekly mediumwave radio program to provide relevant human rights and democracy-related analysis and commentary to the citizens of North Korea. The radio program will be comprised of news, lectures, talk shows, and defectors' stories to foster critical thinking among its target audience.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $276,000
Project Title: Exploring the Role of Informal Networks in Enhancing Access to Information
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: North Korea
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To enhance access to information in North Korea by examining factors that foster voluntary information dissemination, including the role of social and economic networks. The organization will conduct a survey research project to understand how and what types of information is shared between North Koreans, as well as assess how relationships and networks outside of the state structure contribute to information sharing. It will share research finding with relevant stakeholders working to improve content design and information dissemination.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $60,000
Project Title: Fostering Independent Thinking
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: North Korea
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To instill democratic norms and ideals and foster independent thinking among North Korean citizens. Project activities will include creating curated content of democracy-related information and educational materials and disseminating it to reform-minded North Koreans in the Asia region to encourage alternative viewpoints to North Korea's state-run media and propaganda.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $60,000
Project Title: Fostering Young Defector Leaders in Human Rights and Democracy
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: North Korea
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To provide opportunities for young, educated North Korean defectors to engage in issues related to human rights and democracy. The organization will carry out a leadership program for young defectors to take part in human rights and democracy advocacy to discuss and explore their potential roles in serving as bridges between the two Koreas and contributing to building a democratic North Korea.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Interactive Online Platform on North Korean Human Rights
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: North Korea
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To encourage greater awareness of and participation in the North Korean human rights movement among the South Korean public, and foster opportunities for North Korean human rights organizations to collaborate on North Korean human rights issues through an interactive online platform. The organization will complete and launch an interactive online platform that will feature digital resources on the North Korean human rights situation. The organization will also conduct outreach events to engage the South Korean public on the online platform and encourage wider participation on North Korean human rights.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $140,000
Project Title: Mapping Crimes Against Humanity
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: North Korea
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To seek accountability for crimes against humanity and systemic human rights abuses in North Korea and raise awareness of transitional justice issues among key stakeholders, including victims and international policymakers. The organization will conduct a mapping project that utilizes geospatial evidence to document sites of potential crimes against humanity. The project will also conduct international advocacy targeted at the European Union.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $553,000
Project Title: Online Platform for Dialogue between South and North Koreans
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: North Korea
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To increase opportunities for North Korean defectors to share accurate information about North Korea and personal experiences living in democratic South Korea with the citizens of North and South Korea. The project will include posting defector-written blog pieces, hosting online forum discussions with North and South Koreans, and creating video dialogues featuring defector guests on North Korean human rights and democracy-related issues.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $430,000
Project Title: Providing Accurate News on North Korea
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: North Korea
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To promote citizen journalism in North Korea, and to enhance understanding of North Korean society, economy, and people. The project will produce an online magazine which will be comprised of accurate and timely news and developments written or contributed by citizen journalists in the Asia region. In addition, the project will provide capacity and journalism training to those working for the magazine.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $140,000
Project Title: Strengthening Strategic Coordination on Advancing North Korean Human Rights
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: North Korea
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To strengthen and sustain international action to advance human rights and encourage reform in North Korea. The project will convene an international symposium with key stakeholders from civil society, non-governmental organizations, intergovernmental organizations, and scholars to examine past achievements, and create new action plans and recommendations to advance human rights and promote democratic ideals in North Korea. The project will also conduct an analysis of the current actors and strategies of the North Korean human rights and democracy community.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $160,000
Project Title: Strengthening Youth Participation in Promoting Human Rights and Democracy
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: North Korea
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To equip defector youth to become advocates for democratic change in North Korea, provide an opportunity to develop their roles in the North Korean human rights movement, and encourage engagement of South Korean youth on North Korean human rights issues. The organization will carry out an educational program for young defectors to deepen the understanding of and develop their roles in transitional justice and fostering change in North Korea. The program will also conduct outreach initiatives led by defector youth to encourage participation of young South Koreans in human rights advocacy.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $60,000
Project Title: Understanding the Role of Private Markets in Civil Society Building
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: North Korea
Project Focus: Freedom of Association
Description: To enhance understanding of the role of private markets in fostering conditions necessary for the emergence of civil society. The project will conduct empirical research to analyze how socioeconomic changes brought by market activities and strategies adopted by market participants may contribute to the building blocks of civil society. The project will also make programmatic recommendations to better leverage the markets to advance human rights and democracy.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $71,000
Project Title: Investing in Democratic Young Leaders in Korea III (IDYLIK III)
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: North Korea
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To foster a network of young democratic Korean leaders with the necessary skills and experience to promote North Korean human rights and democratization, the Institute will continue to implement the Future Democratic Leaders Fellowship program and Youth Incubator Subgrants to provide skills training, experiential learning, and expand the network of Korean youth promoting North Korean human rights and democratization.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $300,000
Project Title: Creating Political Space through Private Markets and Entrepreneurs
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: North Korea
Project Focus: Developing Market Economy
Description: To enhance the availability of information on entrepreneurship and free markets and to cultivate spaces for association that will lay the foundation for a market-oriented civil society in North Korea. The Center will refine its Digital Economic Library in ways that reflect ongoing changes in North Korea's markets and the current needs of market operators. Additionally, the Center will work to foster business networks among a select group of North Korean entrepreneurs.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $399,998
Project Title: Promoting the Free Flow of Information
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: North Korea
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To assess information flows in Northeast Asia. The organization will conduct a feasibility study on information technologies to explore new methods of information dissemination to North Korea. The organization will cooperate with human rights organizations and defectors to assess the information and technology environment and identify viable methods to transmit digital content to meet the rising demand for outside information.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $342,000
Project Title: Analyzing North Korean State Media Reporting and Propaganda
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: North Korea
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To provide objective analysis of the state media reporting and propaganda in North Korea. The organization will review and analyze state media outlets' news and commentary and provide alternative perspectives to encourage critical thinking among North Korean people about their society and the information provided by the state. It will disseminate the analysis in video format.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $53,000
Project Title: Mapping Crimes Against Humanity
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: North Korea
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To seek accountability for crimes against humanity and systemic human rights abuses in North Korea and raise awareness of transitional justice issues among key stakeholders, including victims and international policymakers. The organization will conduct a mapping project that utilizes geospatial evidence to document sites of potential crimes against humanity. The project will also conduct international advocacy targeted at the European Union.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $470,000
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