Welcome to the National Endowment for Democracy's searchable grants database.

The database includes records of grants the National Endowment for Democracy has awarded in the past three years. The data is refreshed periodically to ensure that new awards are reflected in search results.


Search results for Project Country: China
Project Region: Asia
Project Focus: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Displaying records 51-75 of 278 results
All results totalling $37,166,073
Total may include redundant amount due to supplements.

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Project Title: International Advocacy for Human Rights in Tibet
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen coordination and engagement on Tibet issues at the United Nations. The organization will work closely with a coalition of Tibetan NGOs and Tibet support groups to monitor, document, and highlight human rights violations in Tibet and use this documentation for advocacy at the UN. The organization also will strengthen other NGOs' skills in UN advocacy in an effort to convince the Chinese government to adhere to universal human rights norms.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $58,000
Project Title: International Advocacy for Human Rights in Tibet
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To strengthen coordination and engagement on Tibet at the UN. The grantee will work closely with a coalition of Tibetan NGOs and Tibet support groups to monitor, document, and highlight human rights violations in Tibet. It will strengthen NGOs' skills in UN advocacy to sustain pressure for adherence to universal human rights norms on the part of the Chinese government.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $51,250
Project Title: Strengthening Awareness about the Panchen Lama
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: The organization will research, publish, and disseminate a comprehensive publication about the Chinese government's enforced disappearance of the 11th Panchen Lama. Through a series of awareness-raising events at strategic fora around the world, the organization will strengthen international awareness and support for the 11th Panchen Lama while defending and promoting the rights of the Tibetan people to practice their religion freely without interference from the Chinese government.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $62,000
Project Title: Empowering a New Generation of Tibetan Leaders
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To empower and train a future generation of Tibetan leaders. The grantee will organize Lhakar Academy, a leadership training for Tibetan youth, focusing on democracy, political and social mobilization, and the promotion of human rights and rule of law. The program will strengthen activists' skills in information-gathering; media relations, including social media; , grassroots organizing, and leadership. It will also continue to develop new technology, training, and educational tools to enhance online security practices of activists.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $13,650
Project Title: Empowering a New Generation of Tibetan Leaders
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To strengthen the capacity and skills of the next generation of Tibetan leaders, the grantee will organize training for key movement leaders and develop educational tools that focus on democracy, nonviolent tactics, and the promotion and protection of human rights and the rule of law. Additionally, the grantee will strengthen the use of secure online security communication and digital practices by Tibetan activists.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $95,000
Project Title: Empowering a New Generation of Tibetan Leaders
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To empower and train a future generation of Tibetan leaders. The grantee will organize a leadership training for Tibetan youth and develop educational tools that focus on democracy, nonviolent tactics, and the promotion and protection of human rights and the rule of law. Additionally, the grantee will enhance online security practices of activists and build their capacity in information gathering, media advocacy, and grassroots organizing.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Empowering a New Generation of Tibetan Leaders
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To empower and train a future generation of Tibetan leaders. The grantee will organize Lhakar Academy, a leadership training for Tibetan youth that focuses on democracy, nonviolent tactics, and the promotion of human rights and rule of law. Additionally, it will enhance online security practices of activists and build their capacity in information gathering, media advocacy, and grassroots organizing. It will also develop new educational tools to raise the ability of Tibetans to protect and promote their rights under the Chinese law.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Empowering a New Generation of Tibetan Leaders
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To empower and train Tibetans, the organization will develop educational tools that focus on democracy, nonviolent tactics, and the promotion and protection of human rights and the rule of law. Additionally, the organization will provide strategic guidance on movement-wide campaigns and strengthen Tibetans' and the Tibetan advocacy network's use of secure online communications through trainings, knowledge hubs, and support networks.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Empowering a New Generation of Tibetan Leaders
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To empower and train a future generation of Tibetan leaders. The grantee will organize Lhakar Academy, a leadership training for Tibetan youth, focusing on democracy, political and social mobilization, and the promotion of human rights and rule of law. The program will strengthen activists' skills in information-gathering; media relations, including social media; , grassroots organizing, and leadership. It will also continue to develop new technology, training, and educational tools to enhance online security practices of activists.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $63,650
Project Title: Strengthening the Tibetan Movement - Campaigning and Leadership Training
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To raise international awareness of rights-based issues in Tibet, and to strengthen Tibetan activists' skills in media advocacy, communications and technology, grassroots organizing, and leadership. The organization will conduct campaigns at the grassroots, national, and international levels on language rights, political prisoners, and the environment. It will also work to bolster multilateral mechanisms that can bring pressure to bear on the Chinese government to resolve the issue of Tibet peacefully.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $14,705
Project Title: Strengthening the Tibetan Movement - Campaigning and Leadership Training
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To raise international awareness of developments in Tibet, and to strengthen Tibetan activists' skills in media advocacy, communications and technology, grassroots organizing, and leadership. The organization will conduct campaigns at the grassroots, national, and international levels on language rights, political prisoners, and the environment. It will also work to bolster multilateral mechanisms that can bring pressure to bear on the Chinese government to peacefully resolve the issue of Tibet.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $10,000
Project Title: Strengthening the Tibetan Movement through Campaigning and Leadership Training
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To raise international awareness of rights-based issues in Tibet, and to strengthen Tibetan activists' skills in media advocacy, communications and technology, grassroots organizing, and leadership. The grantee will conduct thematic campaigns at the grassroots, national, and international levels on language rights, political prisoners, forced resettlement of nomads, and the environment. The grantee will also work to bolster multilateral mechanisms that can bring pressure to bear for the peaceful resolution of the Tibet issue.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $10,000
Project Title: Strengthening the Tibetan Movement- Campaigning and Leadership Training
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To raise international awareness of rights-based issues in Tibet, and to strengthen Tibetan activists' skills in media advocacy, communications and technology, grassroots organizing, and leadership. The organization will conduct campaigns at the grassroots, national, and international levels on language rights, political prisoners, and the environment. It will also work to bolster multilateral mechanisms that can bring pressure to bear on the Chinese government to peacefully resolve the issue of Tibet.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $100,000
Project Title: Building Networks in Defense of Rights and the Environment
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To enhance information sharing, improve cooperation and coordination, and promote solidarity among pro-democracy ethnic and religious groups. The organization will raise awareness about and demand accountability for China's environmental policies in Tibet and network with stakeholders in downstream nations to share experiences and advocacy tools, and discuss opportunities for cooperation. The organization will build alliances and stronger partnerships among youth leaders and democrats from Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $40,000
Project Title: Strengthening the Tibetan Movement - Campaigning and Leadership Training
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To raise international awareness of rights-based issues in Tibet, and to strengthen Tibetan activists' skills in media advocacy, communications and technology, grassroots organizing, and leadership. The organization will conduct campaigns at the grassroots, national, and international levels on language rights, political prisoners, and the environment. It will also work to bolster multilateral mechanisms that can bring pressure to bear on the Chinese government to peacefully resolve the issue of Tibet.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Strengthening the Tibetan Movement - Campaigning and Leadership Training
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To raise international awareness of developments in Tibet, and to strengthen Tibetan activists' skills in media advocacy, communications and technology, grassroots organizing, and leadership. The organization will conduct campaigns at the grassroots, national, and international levels on language rights, political prisoners, and the environment. It will also work to bolster multilateral mechanisms that can bring pressure to bear on the Chinese government to peacefully resolve the issue of Tibet.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $41,400
Project Title: Strengthening the Tibetan Movement - Campaigning, Training, and Strategic Organizing
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To raise international awareness of rights-based issues in Tibet, and strengthen Tibetan activists' skill in media advocacy, communications and technology, grassroots organizing, and leadership. The organization will conduct campaigns at the grassroots, national, and international levels on language rights, political prisoners, and the environment. It will also work to bolster multilateral mechanisms that can bring pressure to bear on the Chinese government to peacefully resolve the issue of Tibet.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $150,000
Project Title: Strengthening the Tibetan Movement - Campaigning and Leadership Training
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Tibet (China)
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To raise international awareness of rights-based issues in Tibet, and to strengthen Tibetan activists' skills in media advocacy, communications and technology, grassroots organizing, and leadership. The organization will conduct campaigns at the grassroots, national, and international levels on language rights, political prisoners, and the environment. It will also work to bolster multilateral mechanisms that can bring pressure to bear on the Chinese government to resolve the issue of Tibet peacefully.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $64,705
Project Title: Advancing Worker Rights and the Rule of Law
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Mainland China
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To strengthen the capacity of workers and advocates to advance worker rights and the rule of law in China, the Center will collaborate with partners to strengthen the capacity of grassroots worker rights advocates to raise workers' rights awareness, promote better enforcement of labor laws, combat gender-based discrimination and violence in the workplace, and advocate for better access to justice for workers.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $307,001
Project Title: Advancing Worker Rights and the Rule of Law
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Mainland China
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To strengthen the capacity of workers and advocates to advance worker rights and the rule of law in China, the Center will collaborate with partners to strengthen the capacity of grassroots worker rights advocates to raise workers' rights awareness, promote better enforcement of labor laws, combat gender-based discrimination and violence in the workplace, and advocate for better access to justice for workers.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $1,047,501
Project Title: Promoting Democratic and Labor Rights
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Hong Kong (China)
Project Focus: Freedom of Association
Description: To promote and protect democratic and labor rights in Hong Kong, the center will work with partners to provide immediate capacity-building support, organizational stability, and integration with the pro-democracy movement to newly-founded unions. The project will also challenge political retaliation by employers against workers based on their support or participation in the pro-democracy protests, in an effort to protect freedom of assembly, free speech, the right to strike, and other democratic rights in Hong Kong.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $350,000
Project Title: Expanding Worker Rights And Democracy
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Hong Kong (China)
Project Focus: Freedom of Association
Description: To expand worker rights and democracy, and promote the development of civil society in Hong Kong, the Center will support partners to strengthen the capacity of trade unions to organize, bargain and advocate for better protections for workers, and to raise public awareness and promote participation in worker rights issues.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $194,710
Project Title: Advancing Worker Rights and the Rule of Law
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Mainland China
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To strengthen the capacity of workers and advocates to advance worker rights and the rule of law in China. The center will continue to support efforts of workers and grassroots worker rights advocates to conduct worker outreach and education, provide legal assistance, train worker activists and legal practitioners, and advocate for policy changes, with the objective to raise workers' awareness about their rights, promote better enforcement of labor laws, and forge international solidarity in support of their efforts.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $498,000
Project Title: Expanding Worker Rights and Democracy
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Hong Kong (China)
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To expand worker rights and democracy and promote the development of civil society in Hong Kong. The center will support partners to strengthen the capacity of trade unions, including migrant and domestic worker unions, to organize, bargain and advocate for better protections for workers, and to raise public awareness and promote participation in worker rights issues.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $155,000
Project Title: Worker Rights Awareness
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Mainland China
Project Focus: Freedom of Association
Description: To strengthen the capacity of workers and advocates to advance worker rights in China, the center will continue to support efforts of workers and grassroots worker rights advocates to conduct worker outreach and education, provide legal assistance, train worker activists and legal practitioners, and advocate for policy changes, with the objective to raise workers' awareness about their rights, promote better enforcement of labor and safety laws, and protect the rights of the most vulnerable workers.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $345,000
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