Welcome to the National Endowment for Democracy's searchable grants database.

The database includes records of grants the National Endowment for Democracy has awarded in the past three years. The data is refreshed periodically to ensure that new awards are reflected in search results.


Search results for Project Country: Indonesia
Project Region: Asia
Project Focus: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Displaying records 1-10 of 10 results
All results totalling $3,852,874
Total may include redundant amount due to supplements.

Project Title: Strengthening Local Accountability through Smart City Development
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Indonesia
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To assist local government in three pilot cities in advancing participatory action plans. The project will facilitate civil society input into "smart city" action plans to address key issues in each city and enhance citizen-government engagement in local decision making. The grantee will also identify, adapt and improve accessible technologies that can assist cities in achieving their action plans.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $390,000
Project Title: Reducing Corruption in Local Supply Chains - Phase II
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Indonesia
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To promote anti-corruption compliance, inclusive corporate governance and women's corporate leadership within the Indonesian business community. The center will continue its work supporting initiatives to mobilize the private sector in the fight against corruption and to help create a level playing field in the Indonesian marketplace.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $165,965
Project Title: Promoting Tolerance, Democracy, and Human Rights to Prevent Violent Extremism
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Indonesia
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To strengthen local, national, and regional initiatives and mechanisms to promote tolerance, pluralism, and human rights to counter violent extremism. The grantee will conduct research on radical groups and ideology, which will support an extensive social media and grassroots campaign against extremism, as well as policy advocacy with local and national governments. The project will also launch a regional initiative to enhance cooperation on countering extremism in South and Southeast Asia.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $170,654
Project Title: Strengthening Transparency and Good Governance through Open Data
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Indonesia
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To assist local governments and civil society in target Indonesian cities to advance their open government and open data initiatives and bolster their capacity to implement national-level reforms through peer-to-peer learning. As Indonesia prepares to broaden and deepen its open government initiatives at the subnational level, the institute will build on its 2015 and 2016 programs by helping its partner cities pilot open government tools and guidelines currently under development by the national government.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $260,000
Project Title: Promoting Tolerance, Democracy, and Human Rights to Prevent Violent Extremism
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Indonesia
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To strengthen local, national, and regional initiatives to promote tolerance, pluralism, and human rights to counter violent extremism. The project will involve research on radical groups and ideology, which will be used for an extensive social media and grassroots campaign against extremism as well as policy advocacy with local and national governments. The project will also launch a regional initiative to enhance cooperation on countering extremism in South and Southeast Asia.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $212,302
Project Title: Strengthening Trade Unions in Indonesia and Malaysia
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Indonesia
Project Focus: Freedom of Association
Description: To support worker and civil society participation in Indonesia and Malaysia to build workplace democracy. The center will strengthen partner union capacity in media and research skills, industry outreach/collaboration, organizing, and youth and women, including gender specific approaches to legal reform and collective bargaining. The program will focus on specific sectors including the hotel, garment, electronics, palm oil and extractive industries. It will also include a legal advocacy component addressing case preparation and negotiation and global campaigns involving international exposure to working conditions.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $1,013,953
Project Title: Strengthening Local Accountability and Transparency through Open Data
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Indonesia
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To aid Indonesian cities as they prepare to launch open government and open data guidelines to subnational governments across the country. The institute will carry out a five-month program to bolster the capacity of target Indonesian partner cities to implement their open government and open data initiatives, preparing for the forthcoming presidential decree on open government and open data, and incorporating lessons-learned from the institute's previous NED-funded programs.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $75,000
Project Title: Promoting Tolerance, Democracy, and Human Rights to Prevent Violent Extremism
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Indonesia
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To strengthen local, national, and regional initiatives to promote tolerance, pluralism, and human rights to counter violent extremism. The project will produce research on prevention of violent extremism and carry out a youth perceptions survey, which will inform policy advocacy and public awareness campaigns. The project will produce materials and train youth leaders to enhance a social media campaign to counter extremist narratives. The project will also convene a national human rights festival and an international meeting to enhance cooperation on countering extremism.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $265,000
Project Title: The Next Generation of Political Party Leaders: Catalysts for a Resilient Indonesia Democracy
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Indonesia
Project Focus: Strengthening Political Institutions
Description: To foster political parties that are internally democratic and representative of constituents' interests. The institute will implement a program of technical assistance and training to strengthen parties' structures and processes and the cultivation of emerging leaders. The institute will provide technical consultation to parties' national and provincial leadership bodies to support development and reform of operating principles and practices. In addition, the institute will hold multi-party 'Emerging Leaders Academies' across the country to train young party members on leadership, party operations and campaigning.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $600,000
Project Title: The Next Generation of Political Party Leaders Catalysts for a Resilient Democracy
Project Region: Asia
Project Country: Indonesia
Project Focus: Strengthening Political Institutions
Description: To foster political parties that are internally democratic and representative of constituents' interests, the Institute will implement a program of technical assistance and training to strengthen parties' structures and processes and the cultivation of emerging leaders through Emerging Leaders Academies. Further, the Institute will provide district-level candidates with technical support to contest in the upcoming local elections. The Institute will use these activities to train young party members on leadership, party operations and campaigning. Concurrently, the Institute will provide technical consultation to parties' national and provincial leadership bodies to support the internal development and reform of operating principles and practices.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $700,000