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The database includes records of grants the National Endowment for Democracy has awarded in the past three years. The data is refreshed periodically to ensure that new awards are reflected in search results.


Search results for Project Country: Russia
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Focus:
Displaying records 301-325 of 485 results
All results totalling $37,716,941
Total may include redundant amount due to supplements.

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Project Title: Supporting Civic Activism
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To support local civic activism to engage the public in discussing and solving locally relevant issues. The program will help civic activists to develop their capacity to do so by offering trainings on outreach strategies and on defending citizens' human and civil rights. It will also provide ongoing mentoring and networking assistance to participants of its programs.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $35,115
Project Title: Supporting Civil Society
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To build the capacity of human rights defenders. Trainings will be held to improve the capacity of local activists and human rights lawyers to conduct their work effectively. Consultations and support will be given to participants as they continue their work. In addition, strategy meetings will be hosted and advocacy campaigns will be conducted.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $72,258
Project Title: Supporting Civil Society
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To support civic education and public dialogue initiatives, to foster greater public discussion of human rights, and to help build the capacity of civil society. Events will be hosted, including public discussions, seminars, lectures, roundtables, and trainings. In addition, civil society activists and organizations will be trained and given opportunities to network.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $149,590
Project Title: Supporting Court Monitoring and the Rule of Law
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To improve the accountability of criminal and civil courts and to promote respect for the rule of law. A series of trainings will be held for young activists interested in participating in court monitoring. News and educational materials about monitoring will be published and an analytical report on court monitoring and rule of law issues will be produced.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $40,000
Project Title: Supporting Democratic Institutions
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To provide practical trainings to human rights defenders and monitors in five regions. Expert assistance and coordination efforts will be organized to connect like-minded defenders and to increase their capacity to represent victims of abuse and negligence. Legal and technical services will be offered to improve monitoring capabilities of local activists.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $55,586
Project Title: Supporting Freedom of Information and Expression
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To provide an independent source of information on social, political, and human rights developments and to foster a community of discussion around these issues. A website will be maintained with regularly updated news and information and a program to raise awareness about and counter-censorship online will be carried out.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $80,000
Project Title: Supporting Human Rights Defenders
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To provide support to human rights activists at risk. In response to a growing authoritarian crackdown against civil society actors, activists who have come under pressure will be hosted through a respite and rehabilitation program. The program may include networking opportunities or legal, informational, or technical assistance for individual activists.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $77,735
Project Title: Supporting Independent Media
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To provide independent news and analysis on social, political, and human rights developments, and to foster open discussion and debate on these topics. Content related to the development of democratic norms and competitive politics will be published in the form of independent reporting, news updates, and opinion pieces.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $39,600
Project Title: Supporting Independent Media
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To increase the availability of independent investigative reporting and to provide an independent source of information on important developments in the region. An independent Russian-language media project will be supported to provide quality reporting to the public. Articles, investigations, and opinion pieces will be published on the website.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $44,997
Project Title: Supporting Independent Political Analysis
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To provide expert political analysis. Activities will include publishing research on political trends and social movements through in-depth reports, a regularly updated website, and a series of public events.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $45,000
Project Title: Supporting Independent Regional Media
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To provide an independent source of news and analysis on significant local developments and to increase the amount of independent investigative reporting in video format available to the Russian-language public. Investigative video reporting on significant topics affecting local citizens will be commissioned and published online.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $36,000
Project Title: Supporting Local Activism
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To support civic activists in their work to address systemic issues at the local level. Research and outreach on local-level civic activism will be conducted. Civic organizations and individual activists will also be helped to develop their capacity to serve the people in their communities better through advocacy campaigns.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $44,499
Project Title: Supporting Open Dialogue
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To support civic debate and open dialogue by providing a venue and resource center for a network of independent civil society groups. Information and technical support will be provided to civil society groups, and a database of historical figures and events will be created and advertised through public events and publications.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $75,000
Project Title: Supporting Regional Independent Media
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To improve the availability of objective information and news at the local level. An independent newspaper and a daily online newspaper with both regional reporting and posts from regional experts and journalists will be supported. Investigative reporting, news coverage, and analytical commentary will be published online and through social media networks.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $59,700
Project Title: Supporting the Defense of Human Rights
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To reduce and deter the occurrence of human rights violations committed by law enforcement agencies, judicial officials, and penal authorities. Human rights violations will be monitored, documented, and publicized to raise public awareness of these issues. Legal assistance will be provided to victims of human rights abuses and their families.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $55,090
Project Title: Video Reporting
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To provide an independent source of news and analysis of current events to the public. An Internet television program will cover pressing social topics in the former Soviet space.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $15,581
Project Title: Improving Access to Information
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To improve access to information, to support grassroots initiatives, and to improve the quality of journalistic reporting on freedom of information issues. Trainings will be organized to teach journalists how to access public information properly and how to write about local issues. A series of trainings for activists and educators will be held on teaching students and other activists about their rights.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $29,950
Project Title: Supporting Civic Activism
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To support local civic activism to engage the public in discussing and solving locally relevant issues. The program will help civic activists to develop their capacity to do so by offering trainings on outreach strategies and on defending citizens' human and civil rights. It will also provide ongoing mentoring and networking assistance to participants of its programs.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $35,115
Project Title: Protecting Ethnic Minorities
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To defend the rights of ethnic minorities. Legal aid will be provided to members of minority populations with a focus on obtaining citizenship or other legal status for stateless persons. Advocacy will be conducted on behalf of marginalized and stateless peoples and strategies will be developed to coordinate efforts to acquire documents necessary for displaced ethnic minorities to obtain legal status from the states succeeding the former Soviet Union.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $39,450
Project Title: Independent Video Reporting
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To provide an independent source of national-level news and analysis of current events to the public in increasingly popular media formats such as video. An investigative reporting video series will be produced and published online with engaging coverage and analysis of significant developments related to news and social topics. Investigative reporting and independent analysis will be conducted.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $44,885
Project Title: Strengthening Resilience Through Information Technology And Activist Motivation
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Political Processes
Description: To increase civil society organizations' and individual activists' capacity to use technology for more secure and effective organizing and communications and to strengthen the capacity of civic organizations to effectively pursue their goals. To this end, a digital security diagnostic tool will be developed and used to help participants to better understand their strengths and weaknesses in these areas.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $175,000
Project Title: Building the Legal Capacity of Civil Society
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Rule of Law
Description: To promote the rule of law and encourage compliance with established regulations. Expert legal assistance will be provided to clients seeking justice and respect for their rights. Strategic litigation will be undertaken in cases allowing participants to build on the experience gained at the training. Specialized coordination meetings will be provided for a group of lawyers to improve and harmonize litigation methods and strategies.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $43,773
Project Title: Civic Education
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To promote civic engagement and to foster the growth of democratic ideas and values. Seminars and trainings will be conducted on civic education as well as on the benefits of activism to local communities. In addition, legal and informational consultations will be offered to activists who are interested in protecting their rights.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $47,740
Project Title: Civic Leadership Training
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To develop the capacities, skills, and knowledge of aspiring civil society leaders, and to foster networks and promote new collaborations among civic activists. To foster public discussion of necessary reforms in the case of a major political transformation. A leadership education and development program will be implemented and discussions and public presentations of reforms by experts will be organized.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $200,000
Project Title: Civil Rights Education
Project Region: Eurasia
Project Country: Russia
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To raise the capacity of local activists to reach out to their communities and to teach young people and their families about their rights. An independent discussion platform for activists and local citizens will be maintained and free legal and informational sessions will be provided to young people and citizens about their civic and human rights.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $84,008
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