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The database includes records of grants the National Endowment for Democracy has awarded in the past three years. The data is refreshed periodically to ensure that new awards are reflected in search results.


Search results for Project Country: Cuba
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Focus:
Displaying records 201-220 of 220 results
All results totalling $24,163,465
Total may include redundant amount due to supplements.

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Project Title: Promoting Local Accountability and Citizen Oversight
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To promote local-level accountability and interaction between activists and community members as they seek solutions to their local problems. The project will collect information, document issues affecting communities and demand for solutions before local-level entities. The project will also produce a newsletter to raise awareness of these problems and to connect citizens with initiatives and activists.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $120,267
Project Title: Promoting the Use of Data in Journalism in Cuba
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To promote access to and use of public data from Cuba. The organization will aggregate publicly available data from Cuba and develop datasets to produce analysis on the reality of the island. The organization will collaborate with the press to help Cuban audiences have better access to information through data-based journalism.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $91,318
Project Title: Sharp Power and the Evolution of Politics under a New Constitution in Cuba
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To promote greater international awareness of Cuba's power projection and presence in Latin America and to foster critical understanding of the implications and implementation of the new constitution in Cuba. The organization will conduct research on Cuban international influence, and the implementation of the transformed institutional framework of the state that the new Cuban constitution established.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $115,000
Project Title: Situated Journalism: Innovative Perspectives on Cuba
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To enhance the capacity of Cuban independent journalism to cover different angles of violence and crisis in the Covid-19 pandemic and its aftermath, and to foster stronger ties between Cuban independent journalists and their counterparts in the rest of Latin America. The organization will develop a comprehensive series of online trainings on journalism that are relevant for a context of crisis. The program will bring together participants from Cuba and other Latin American countries to foster collaboration, using different styles and innovative media.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $80,000
Project Title: Strengthening Access to Information and Enhancing Critical Thinking in Central Cuba
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To strengthen access to information and enhance critical thinking in central Cuba. On a weekly basis, articles and audiovisual materials will be produced to strengthen access to information. Further, social media sites and other messaging apps will be used to increase on-island circulation of uncensored information on local and national social, cultural, economic, and political developments.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $50,000
Project Title: Strengthening Civil Society Capacity in Democratic Political Processes
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Civic Education
Description: To strengthen the capacity of Cuban civil society activists to promote democratic elections on the island. Cuban participants will join election observation missions in Latin America and attend workshops on election observation and human rights topics. The project will facilitate a discussion between its Cuban partners and Latin American electoral experts to raise their awareness about the undemocratic nature of Cuba's electoral system.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $95,000
Project Title: Strengthening Critical Thinking and Democratic Values in Cuba
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To promote critical thinking, the free flow of information, and democratic values in Cuba. The organization will consolidate the reach and impact of its digital publications. It will also work on publishing historic documents and materials on Cuban and Latin American history. It will disseminate this information and its publications in Cuba and the rest of Latin America.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $99,980
Project Title: Strengthening Independent Journalism in Cuba
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To strengthen the reporting and investigative skills of Cuban independent journalists and to promote greater interaction between them and their Latin American counterparts. The organization will train journalists on fundamental concepts of journalism, and place them with a professional media outlet in Peru for an on-the-job experience. The organization will also foster interaction between Cuban and Latin American journalists through collaborative investigative pieces.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $70,523
Project Title: Strengthening Independent Media and Accountability in Cuba
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To strengthen Cuban journalists' capacity to promote greater government accountability in Cuba and to promote interactions and links among Cuban and Latin American independent journalists. The organization will carry out a training program on how to conduct investigative journalism. The Cuban participants will engage in exchanges with journalists from other countries, and will receive advice and feedback on their work from an editorial board composed of Latin American journalists. The organization will provide constant remote mentorship to the participants.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $108,000
Project Title: Strengthening the Capacity of Independent Civic Initiatives in Cuba
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To strengthen the capacity of independent civic centers and initiatives in Cuba to promote democratic ideas and values. Based in Bratislava, the organization will work with groups of independent journalists, students, and civil society activists to strengthen their institutional capacity and ability to carry out activities more effectively. In addition, the grantee will organize a study visit for its beneficiaries in Slovakia.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $60,000
Project Title: Strengthening the Capacity of Independent Media Professionals in Cuba
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To strengthen the capacity of independent media professionals in Cuba. The grantee will provide Cuban beneficiaries with training and technical assistance to produce uncensored content on social, political, economic, and cultural developments in Cuba. The grantee will also build the technical capacity of independent organizations throughout Cuba to carry out initiatives aimed at increasing the free flow of information.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $150,882
Project Title: Strengthening the Democracy and Leadership Skills of Cuban Youth Activists
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To strengthen the leadership capacity of Cuban pro-democracy youth activists and to promote interaction between citizens in Cuba and individuals from Latin American democratic societies. The organization will offer online and in-person trainings on youth rights, youth participation in politics, digital communications, and international standards of freedom of expression and democracy. The group will also bring Cuban youth activists to other Latin American countries to interact with their pro-democracy counterparts from democratic countries.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $85,000
Project Title: Supporting Human Rights Defenders in Cuba
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To provide humanitarian assistance to political prisoners, their families, and human rights activists in Cuba. The organization will work with its partners to distribute humanitarian assistance to political prisoners, their family members, and other members of Cuban civil society. To increase access to uncensored information, the organization will also provide human rights defenders with technical equipment to document life in Cuba and convey information to outside organizations and actors.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $80,000
Project Title: Supporting Independent Journalism in Cuba
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Freedom of Information
Description: To strengthen collaboration among Cuban independent journalists to promote freedom of expression. The grantee will work with several independent journalists and media organizations to promote mutual understanding and solidarity among them, and to strengthen their skills on the use of social media. The organization will also encourage and support collaborative efforts among journalists affiliated to different media outlets.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $145,230
Project Title: Supporting Independent Unions, Self-Employed Workers, and Labor Rights
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Freedom of Association
Description: To promote labor rights and strengthen the capacity of Cuba's independent labor movement. The organization will provide independent labor activists in Cuba with assistance to forge a more coordinated labor movement on the island. In addition, the organization will work with a nascent association of self-employed workers to promote labor rights in the informal sector. It will also conduct an international information dissemination and awareness campaign on the situation regarding labor rights in Cuba.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $230,000
Project Title: Supporting Independent Writers and Artists in Cuba
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To support Cuba's independent writers and artists to produce and disseminate their work freely. The organization will help writers strengthen the quality of their work and publish pieces inside and outside of the island. It will feature their work in its quarterly literary magazine, Puente a La Vista, on social media and through videos on YouTube. The organization will also raise awareness about repression targeting independent writers, artists and musicians through online campaigns.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $83,000
Project Title: Times of Change and a New Role for Different Sectors in Cuba
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Democratic Ideas and Values
Description: To enhance civil society's understanding and capacity to propose political alternatives. Activities will include research on the role of different state institutions in transitions to democracy as well as discussion of this subject among Cuban civil society representatives, with an emphasis on the experiences of other countries in the region.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $71,339
Project Title: Strengthening Democratic Dialogue on Cuban-Led Reform Ideas II
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: NGO Strengthening
Description: To strengthen the capacity of independent pro-democracy think tanks in Cuba to develop objective economic analysis and reform ideas and to expand openings in civic spaces for market-oriented organizations to support a growing private sector. The center will provide support for two emerging Cuban pro-democracy think tanks to attend program management workshops off the island, provide assistance for on-island activities, and organize an international conference with other partner think tanks working in similar conditions or in a similar field of work.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $309,766
Project Title: Empowering Cuban Women to Reduce Gender Based Violence
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Human Rights
Description: To increase Cuban women's knowledge of gender rights and issues, enable men to become partners in these efforts and strengthen the ability of Cuban activists to promote and advocate for new laws and public policies that address and reduce violence against women, the Institute will facilitate a gender observatory to support the monitoring and gathering of statistical data around gender and political violence, as well gender clinics and laboratories to support participants to identify and press for solutions to the problem of gender violence in Cuba.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $500,000
Project Title: Strengthening Tools to Measure Governability and Social Conflict in Cuba
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: Cuba
Project Focus: Accountability and Governance
Description: To strengthen analysis about governance in Cuba. The organization will develop a governability index to measure and compare Cuba's political system with other countries in the world. It will analyze the Cuban government's structure and performance in areas such as the rule of law, political participation, effectiveness, political stability, transparency and economic freedom. It will also assess the public's satisfaction with its government and track citizens' actions to promote policies that are more democratic through the creation of a social conflict observatory.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $11,940
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