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The database includes records of grants the National Endowment for Democracy has awarded in the past three years. The data is refreshed periodically to ensure that new awards are reflected in search results.


Search results for Organization Name: THE TRUST for the Americas
Project Focus: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Displaying records 1-5 of 5 results
All results totalling $559,009
Total may include redundant amount due to supplements.

Project Title: Advocating for Legislative Implementation of Inter-American Freedom of Expression Standards in the Americas
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: _ Latin America & Caribbean Regional
Project Focus: Strengthening Political Institutions
Description: To assist in enshrining and implementing Inter-American standards regarding freedom of expression. The organization will work with civil society leaders, legislators, and key government officials in Argentina, Guatemala, and Venezuela to promote the implementation of Inter-American standards regarding freedom of expression. The organization will examine the situation of freedom of expression in Cuba and identify recommendations for legislative changes based on Inter-American standards.
Year: 2016
Award Amount: $115,308
Project Title: Advocating for Legislative Implementation of Inter-American Freedom of Expression Standards in the Americas
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: _ Latin America & Caribbean Regional
Project Focus: Strengthening Political Institutions
Description: To promote the right to freedom of expression as recognized in the Inter-American Democratic Charter. The grantee will assist in promoting, enshrining, and implementing Inter-American freedom of expression (FOE) standards in countries that are lagging behind in their implementation or that have adopted norms contrary to them. It will also work to foster greater respect for Inter-American FOE standards in Cuba.
Year: 2017
Award Amount: $115,936
Project Title: Advocating for Legislative Implementation of Inter-American Freedom of Expression Standards in the Americas
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: _ Latin America & Caribbean Regional
Project Focus: Strengthening Political Institutions
Description: To promote the right to freedom of expression as recognized in the Inter-American Democratic Charter. Assistance will be provided to legislators and civil society to promote, enshrine, and implement Inter-American freedom of expression (FOE) standards in countries that are lagging behind in their implementation or that have adopted norms contrary to them. It will also work to foster greater respect for Inter-American FOE standards in Cuba and Venezuela.
Year: 2018
Award Amount: $108,758
Project Title: Advocating for Legislative Implementation of Inter-American Freedom of Expression Standards in the Americas
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: _ Latin America & Caribbean Regional
Project Focus: Strengthening Political Institutions
Description: To promote and protect the right to freedom of expression (FOE) as recognized in the Inter-American Democratic Charter. The organization will educate and provide technical assistance to relevant stakeholders on issuing regulations to the digital space in accordance to Inter-American FOE standards. Additionally, they will prioritize efforts to promote greater respect for Inter-American FOE standards in countries with restrictive media environments.
Year: 2019
Award Amount: $114,989
Project Title: Promoting Inter-American Freedom of Expression Standards in Latin America's Most Repressive Media Environments
Project Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Project Country: _ Latin America & Caribbean Regional
Project Focus: Strengthening Political Institutions
Description: To promote and protect the Inter-American freedom of expression standards in Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. The grantee will monitor online freedom of expression violations in the target countries and will include its findings in a regional report. The grantee will train activists and journalists from these countries, advance petitions and precautionary measures in the IACHR and carry out joint actions with the UN human rights system to strengthen the protection of victims.
Year: 2020
Award Amount: $104,018