International Forum for Democratic Studies Research Council Member

Laurence Whitehead

Oxford University

Laurence Whitehead is a senior research fellow in politics at Nuffield College, Oxford University, and senior fellow of the College. During 2005–2006 he also served as acting warden there and in 2011–2012, he served as senior proctor of the University. His most recent books are Latin America: A New Interpretation, (Palgrave, 2006 second revised updated edition 2010) and Democratization: Theory and Experience (OUP, 2002). His most recent edited publication is The Obama Administration and the Americas: Shifting the Balance (Brookings Press, 2010 ) which he produced jointly with Abraham F. Lowenthal and Theodore J. Piccone. Among recent articles, Dr. Whitehead wrote “Losing ‘the Force’? The Dark Side of Democratization after Iraq“ in Democratization, (April 2009), and “International Dimensions of Political Change in the MENA Region” in Taiwan Journal of Democracy (2010) . Dr. Whitehead is co-editor with John Crabtree of Unresolved Tensions: Bolivia Past and Present (Pittsburgh U.P. 2008) and jointly with Marcelo Bergman, Citizen Security in Latin America (Notre Dame U.P. 2009).

He is editor of an Oxford University Press series, “Studies in Democratization” and president of the Conseil Scientifique of the Institut des Ameriques in Paris. Dr. Whitehead also belongs to the steering committee of the Red Eurolatinoamericano de Gobernabilidad para el Desarrollo and is a member of the editorial board of the Forum’s Journal of Democracy.

Forum Publications

“The Crash of ’08,” Journal of Democracy (Jan. 2010)

“The Challenge of Closely Fought Democratic Elections,” Journal of Democracy (Apr. 2007)
