Martin Lee on the 20th Anniversary of Chinese Rule in Hong Kong
Martin Lee is a longtime leader of Hong Kong's democracy movement and 1997 winner of NED's Democracy Award. He spoke with NED recently about the 20th anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong from Britain...

Fight for Freedom Under Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Oppression
Click the image above to watch the livestream recording or watch on YouTube. About the Event The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has spent the past 30 years since the Tiananmen Square...

Freedom: How we Lose it and How we Fight Back
Watch the event by clicking on the image above or by heading to this link. About the Event Freedom: How we Lose it and How we Fight Back by Nathan...

Rebuilding Democratic Momentum
Click the image above or this link to watch the event. About the Event On the eve of the Summit for Democracy, the National Endowment for Democracy will convene a dynamic forum featuring some of the...
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