Getting Ahead of Digital Repression: Authoritarian Innovation and Democratic...
In April 2024, the Hoover Institution’s project on China’s Global Sharp Power, Stanford University’s Global Digital Policy Incubator, and the National Endowment for Democracy’s International...
The Struggle Against Authoritarian Influence in the Western Balkans: Montenegro...
DOWNLOAD THE REPORT A new report authored by Vanja Ćalović Marković explores how Montenegro has become an ideal testing ground for authoritarian actors, and how lessons learned from these...
Manufacturing Deceit: How Generative AI Supercharges Information Manipulation
DOWNLOAD THE REPORT A new report authored by Beatriz Saab explores how generative AI is helping authoritarians tip the scales against democracy and accelerate harmful narratives in a wide variety of country...
Forum Q&A: Ethan Tu and Billion Lee on How Taiwan’s Civil Society...
2024 has been called the “year of elections” with over four billion people set to cast their ballots. The potential threat to the integrity of the information space is severe. For those concerned...
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