International Forum for Democratic Studies Research Council Member

Zora Bútorová

Institute for Public Affairs

Zora Bútorová is a resident scholar of the Institute for Public Affairs, a member organization of the Forum’s Network of Democracy Research Institutes. Dr. Bútorová is a graduate of the Faculty of Arts of the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia with a degree in sociology. Before 1989, her major field of study was sociology and ethics of science. In 1989, she belonged to the leaders of the democratization of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Since 1990, she has become one of the key figures in public opinion research in Slovakia. She is author of numerous studies and articles on political culture and value orientations in post-Communist Czechoslovakia and Slovakia, as well as on people’s attitudes toward various aspects of Slovakia’s transition to democracy. Since the mid-1990s, she has also studied current changes in women’s lives and in gender relations. From 1993-1997, she was senior researcher at the FOCUS agency. From 1997-1999, she was resident scholar at the Institute for Public Affairs and director of its research program on political culture and public opinion. In 1998, she was one of the founders of the Slovakia civic campaign of non-governmental organizations, OK ’98, which contributed to free and fair parliamentary elections in Slovakia. In 1999-2003, she was accompanying her husband Martin Bútora, who served as the Ambassador of Slovakia to the U.S. In 2000-2001, she was a visiting fellow at the International Forum for Democratic Studies.
