2010 Democracy Service Medal Awarded to Francis Fukuyama
Remarks of NED President Carl Gershman at the Presentation of the Democracy Service Medal to Francis Fukuyama Washington, D.C. The NED created the Democracy Service Medal in 1999 when it presented the Medal to...

Memorial Program Will Honor Legacy Of Bronislaw Geremek
On Thursday, September 11, at 11:00 AM, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), in cooperation with the Embassy of Poland, will host a memorial gathering to honor the life and work of former Polish foreign minister Bronislaw...
Pierre Hassner will deliver Fourth Annual Lipset Lecture
"Russia's Transition to Autocracy: The Implications for World Politics," is the topic of the fourth annual Seymour Martin Lipset Lecture on Democracy in the World, which will be delivered by Pierre Hassner on Thursday, November 15 at 6:00...
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