July 22, 2024

Preparing for a Democratic Future of North Korea: Next Generation...

03:00 PM - 04:30 PM

The NED, ROK Ministry of Unification, and Human Asia hosted the next generation of North Korean leaders in a fireside chat to discuss ways to support a free and democratic North Korea.


June 05, 2024

Forum Q&A: Ethan Tu and Billion Lee on How Taiwan’s Civil Society...

2024 has been called the “year of elections” with over four billion people set to cast their ballots. The potential threat to the integrity of the information space is severe. For those concerned...


March 14, 2024

Countering the Chinese Communist Party’s Genocide on the...

12:00 PM - 02:00 PM

Author of 'The China Freedom Trap", Dolkun Isa, discussed his harrowing life journey and what the international community can do to bring an end to the CCP’s genocide against the Uyghur people.


September 19, 2023

Cracking the Information Blockade: Advancing Freedom of...

09:00 AM - 01:30 PM

On September 19, UMG will launch an international conference for freedom of information in North Korea in partnership with NED. UMG will shed light on the black box of North Korea’s media environment and explore emerging opportunities for access, while defectors share their firsthand experience of life in North Korea and the transformative impact foreign content had on their lives.