“The International Role of the Media in Exposing Corruption and Promoting Good Governance,” is the topic for the first public meeting of the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA). The panel discussion in honor of World Press Freedom Day will take place on Wednesday, May 2 from 8:00 – 10:00 am in room HC-5 of the US Capitol.
Daniel Kaufman, Director of Global Programs and Governance at the World Bank, will be the featured speaker during the panel discussion, and three journalists will share perspectives from around the world on the impact of media on corruption and governance. Myroslava Gongadze is a reporter and anchor for the Voice of America’s Ukrainian service; Mauricio Herrera Ulloa is an investigative reporter for the Costa Rican daily La Nación; and Joyce Barnathan is president of the International Center for Journalists and former executive editor of BusinessWeek. Honorary co-hosts for the event are the four co-chairs of the Congressional Caucus for the Freedom of the Press: Senator Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.), Senator Richard Lugar (R-Ind.), Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), and Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.). Representative Schiff will also speak at the event.
In addition to the panel, the book Media Matters: Perspectives on Advancing Governance and Development from the Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) will be launched at the event. David Hoffman, president of Internews, and Mark Pomar, president of IREX, will present the GFMD’s new publication.
The Center for International Media Assistance is a project of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Established in September 2006, CIMA brings together a broad range of media experts with the objective of strengthening support of free and independent media throughout the world. CIMA supports an Advisory Council on International Media Assistance comprising media development professionals, academics, representatives of donor organizations, and other experts, and hopes to improve understanding of the importance of the media and media development by hosting discussions and events, convening working groups, and publishing reports. The Center is also exploring how to encourage greater private sector involvement in media assistance.
The Center for International Media Assistance builds upon NED’s longstanding support for free and independent media around the world. In line with the Center’s mission, and with grant support from NED, CIMA is also working to establish media development networks and an information clearinghouse for media professionals. More information about CIMA and NED can be found at www.ned.org.