Ivan Krastev
Centre for Liberal Strategies
Ivan Krastev is a Bulgarian political scientist. He is chairman of the Centre for Liberal Strategies in Sofia, Bulgaria and permanent fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, Austria (IWM). He is a founding board member of the European Council on Foreign Relations, a member of the advisory board of the ERSTE Foundation, a member of the global advisory board of Open Society Foundations, and a member of the advisory council of the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA). He is also associate editor of Europe’s World, as well as a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Democracy and Transit – Europäische Revue.
From 2004 to 2006, Mr. Krastev was executive director of the International Commission on the Balkans, chaired by the former Italian Prime Minister Giuliano Amato. He was editor-in-chief of the Bulgarian edition of Foreign Policy and a member of the Council of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London (2005-2011).
His latest books in English are Democracy Disrupted (Penn Press, 2014); In Mistrust We Trust: Can Democracy Survive When We Don’t Trust Our Leaders? (TED Books, 2013); The Anti-American Century, co-edited with Alan McPherson, (CEU Press, 2007) and Shifting Obsessions: Three Essays on the Politics of Anticorruption (CEU Press, 2004). He is a co-author with Steven Holmes of a forthcoming book on Russian politics.
Forum Events
“In Mistrust we Trust: Can Transparency Revive Democracy?” (Nov. 14, 2012)
“Paradoxes of the New Authoritarianism,” 2010 Seymour Martin Lipset Lecture on Democracy in the World (Oct. 19, 2012)
Forum Publications
“From Politics to Protest,” Journal of Democracy (Oct. 2014)
“European Disintegration? A Fraying Union,” Journal of Democracy (Oct. 2012)
“Paradoxes of the New Authoritarianism,” Journal of Democracy (Apr. 2011)
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