International Forum for Democratic Studies Research Council Member

Johan Lagerkvist

Stockholm University

Johan Lagerkvist is professor of Chinese language and culture at Stockholm University. His main research interests include Chinese state-society relations, modern Chinese history, political culture, China’s media system and internet politics, global governance, China’s political economy and evolving role in ‘South-South’ cooperation.

He is currently working on two research projects funded by the Swedish Research Council: “Challenging the Chinese State: The Formation of New Citizen Norms in Emergent Civil Society” and “Divided Development – Western and Chinese Development Redux: Clash or Convergence?” with Jens Stilhoff Sörensen, Göteborg University.

He is the author of the monographs Tiananmen Redux: The Hard Truth about the Expanded Neoliberal World Order (Peter Lang, 2015), Before Democracy: Competing norms in Chinese Media and Society (Peter Lang, 2010), and Sovereignty, Non-interference, and the Challenge of Chinese Authoritarian Capitalism in Africa (Routledge, 2016).
