James Welsh
Legislative Assistant, Office of Congresswoman Jackie Walorski
James Welsh is a legislative assistant in the office of Congresswoman Jackie Walorski. Handling a diverse portfolio headlined by foreign affairs and homeland security issues, he staffs the Congresswoman in her position as a member of the House Democracy Partnership (HDP), as well as a Co-Chair for both the Poland and Romania Caucuses. In this capacity, James works to promote democracy, strengthen relations with our NATO allies, counter the malign influence of China, Russia and Iran, and maintain our crucial alliance with Israel. He enjoys travelling and attended the first HDP technical assistance consultancy to Banjul, the Gambia in February 2020. In this role, James staffed the legislative strengthening exercise with the Gambian National Assembly, presenting to the National Assembly Members (NAMs) on the legislative process, and moderated a discussion with NAMs on the challenges of faithfully representing constituents. James earned his M.A. in Diplomacy and International Relations from the Seton Hall School of Diplomacy and International Relations where he focused on security issues in Sub-Saharan Africa. While a graduate student, he worked as an advisor to the Maltese Mission to the United Nations and as a senior editor for the Seton Hall Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations. In his spare time, James enjoys staying up to date on geopolitical headlines and conflict zones by following foreign policy outlets, social media aggregators, and other open source platforms.
1201 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20004