
Step 5. Certification

In Step 5, the final step of the application process, you will be asked to certify that the statements made in your application are true and complete to the best of the your knowledge. By typing your name beneath the certification statement, you will certify that, in the event you are awarded a Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship:

  • you will abide by the rules and policies of the International Forum for Democratic Studies at the National Endowment for Democracy, including maintaining valid legal status, fulfilling tax and visa obligations, and meeting Reagan-Fascell program requirements;
  • you are not delinquent in repaying any U.S. federal debt;
  • you will not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, or use of a controlled substance while conducting any fellowship activity.

Once you have read the certification statement and typed your name beneath it, you will be able to submit your application online. At that time, your application will be considered complete. Upon clicking the “Submit” button, you will receive an auto-email confirming receipt of your application.
