Project Proposal

Step 2. Project Proposal

The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program offers two tracks, a practitioner track (for democratic activists and practitioners), and a scholarly track (for professors, scholars, and writers).  If you have not already done so, please read through The Two Tracks and Eligibility Criteria in order to determine whether you are eligible to apply as a practitioner or as a scholar. Once you have done so, click the appropriate link below for instructions on preparing your project proposal:

Project Proposal Guidelines for the Practitioner Track

Project Proposal Guidelines for the Scholarly Track

As you look through the questions that correspond with the track you have selected, please note the word counts that are provided as a guideline for the length of your response to each question.  As some questions come with a minimum word count, your response will need to be no shorter than this required minimum, or else you will be unable to proceed to the next step of the application.

Applicants are expected to maintain the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in their work, including scrupulous regard for copyright and intellectual property rights. Project proposals must be the applicants’ own original work and not someone else’s. The program maintains zero tolerance for plagiarism of any kind.
