One year ago, Russian journalist and democracy leader Vladimir Kara-Murza was arrested outside his home in Moscow for denouncing the war in Ukraine. He now faces 25 years in prison with sentencing to come on April 17, following a closed-door trial—simply for speaking the truth. Russian authorities must immediately release him and all those who have been wrongfully detained by the Putin regime for baseless and politically-motivated charges.
“One day, [Russia] will have a government it deserves, a government that respects and represents its own people,” said Kara-Murza of the future of Russia during a 2018 event, believing that every voice matters. “We will continue to do everything we can to try to bring that day a little bit closer.”
Kara-Murza has been poisoned twice, in 2015 and 2017, followed by Russian security officers, and imprisoned. Denied proper medical care detention, Kara-Murza’s health has significantly deteriorated while in detention. Yet he continues to courageously advocate for democracy and human rights, even behind bars, underscoring in his final statement to the court that he has no regrets and still believes Russia will hold a democratic future.
Join the National Endowment for Democracy and all who believe in freedom to make your voice heard. Demand the release of Vladimir Kara-Murza and all political prisoners in Russia.
- Watch and share this video to #FreeVladimir on social media and other channels.
- Register for an event next Wednesday, April 19, on Capitol Hill, to mark the one-year anniversary of his detention and call for his release.
- Read a statement signed by our community to advocate for justice.