Authoritarianism Goes Global gained much attention in Europe as co-editors Marc F. Plattner and Christopher Walker traveled to five cities in Europe in May and June 2016 to present the book’s findings at a series of public panels and roundtable discussions hosted by the following organizations.
- Axel Springer SE
- European Endowment for Democracy
- German Council on Foreign Relations and the Prague Civil Society Center
- Henry Jackson Society
- JP/Politiken Newspapers Ltd.
- Legatum Institute
- Politico Europe
- Estoril Political Forum, hosted by the Catholic University of Portugal
Also participating in these conversations were several of the edited volume’s contributing authors, including Anne Applebaum, Alexander Cooley, and Lilia Shevtsova. Photos from the book tour appear below.
Press Coverage
- Auktoritär våg sätter demokratin ur spelt, Svenska Dagbladet (Sweden)
- Non solo Riad. Così prende piede il nuovo soft power dei regimi autoritari, Il Foglio (Italy)
- Den autoritære tankegang er blevet global: Demokratiets udfordring, Jyllands-Posten (Denmark)
- Brussels Playbook May 5, 2016, Politico Europe (Belgium)
- Komunistický Režim a Evropská Unie: Nepříjemné Paralely, Respekt (Czech Republic)
- Autoritarismo globalizado, El Pais (Spain)
- La contraoffensiva dei regimi, Il Foglio (Italy)
- Russia and China seek media control at home and abroad, Financial Times (United Kingdom)