Tracy E. Igberaese
National Program Officer, International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Tracy E. Igberaese is a National Program Officer at the International Organization for Migration where she works to enhance the organization’s coordination with the U.S Government and support to US funded programming. Previously, she oversaw the implementation of civic engagement, political party capacity building and transitional justice programs in South Sudan and Ethiopia. Prior to that, she consulted for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) while living in Ghana where she developed an inaugural youth fellowship program for young Ghanaians passionate about the rights of women and girls and led the development of a high-level coalition to combat sexual and gender based violence. While at Creative Associates International, Tracy oversaw the implementation of a countering violent extremism (CVE) program focused on capacity building and networking efforts that supported West African regional institutions and governments to more effectively counter violent extremism in the Sahel. She has also spent time traveling through the Sahel conducting assessments to understand the political, economic and environmental challenges of communities most affected by violent extremism in Chad and Burkina Faso. Tracy’s experience in Sub-Saharan Africa includes work in Ghana, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Ethiopia, Chad and South Sudan. She holds a Masters in Development Economics from Erasmus University’s International Institute of Social Studies, a Global MBA from Webster University and a Bachelors in French & World Business from the University of Tennessee. As a Nigerian-American, Tracy is passionate about advocating for the rights of black people in America, human rights in Sub-Saharan Africa and believes human rights should transcend all borders.
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