Transparency and Anti-Corruption

Search Terms

Government accountability
Political corruption
Political corruption–Prevention
Transparency in government

Websites and Toolkits

Global Integrity
Supports progress towards open, accountable and effective governance in countries and communities around the world. Resources include Global Integrity Reports.

Open Society Foundations: Governance and Accountability
The Open Society Foundations work with governments and businesses to advance transparency, rule of law, and good governance around the world.

Blog from the International Forum for Democratic Studies at the National Endowment for Democracy which explores how savvy authoritarian governments survive and thrive in a globalized information age, and the ways that democracies are contending with this challenge.

Transparency International
Global movement partnering with government, business and civil society to put effective measures in place to tackle corruption.

The following resources are tools from Transparency International
Corruption Perceptions Index
Anti-corruption Knowledge Hub
Global Corruption Barometer
National Integrity System Assessment

Select Articles and Working Papers

Carey, John M. 2003. “Transparency Versus Collective Action: Fujimori’s Legacy and the Peruvian Congress”. Comparative Political Studies. 36 (9): 983-1006.

Chandler, D. 2002. “Anti-Corruption Strategies and Democratization in Bosnia-Herzegovina”. Democratization. 9 (2): 101-120.

Fung, Archon. 2013. “Infotopia: unleashing the democratic power of transparency.(Essay)”. Politics & Society. 41 (2): 183-212.

Hollyer, James R., B. Peter Rosendorff, and James Raymond Vreeland. 2011. “Democracy and Transparency”. The Journal of Politics. 73 (4): 1191-1205.

Lancaster, Thomas D., and Gabriella R. Montinola. 2003. “Comparative Political Corruption: Issues of Operationalization and Measurement”. Studies in Comparative International Development (SCID). 36 (3): 3-28.

Li, Lianjiang. 2001. “Support for Anti-corruption Campaigns in Rural China”. Journal of Contemporary China. 10 (29): 573-586.

Lindstedt C., and Naurin D. 2010. “Transparency is not enough: Making transparency effective in reducing corruption”. International Political Science Review. 31 (3): 301-322.

McMillan, John. 2005. “Promoting Transparency in Angola”. Journal of Democracy. 16 (3): 155-169.

Mitchell H. 2010. “Opening up about open government: do open government initiatives measure up?” EContent. 33 (6): 24-28.

Quarcoo, S. Chartey. 2009. “Prosecution politics : recalibrating the role of prosecution within the anti-corruption agency agenda : feature”. African Security Review. 18 (4): 32-49.

Routley, L. 2009. “Corruption and Development: The Anti-Corruption Campaigns”. Review of African Political Economy. 36 (121): 466-467.

Select Books and Reports

Adeyeye, Adefolake. 2012. Corporate social responsibility of multinational corporations in developing countries: perspectives on anti-corruption. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Asian Institute of Management. 2011. Anti-corruption manual for SMEs. [Makati City]: Asian Institute of Management.

Baum, Jeeyang Rhee. 2011. Responsive democracy: increasing state accountability in East Asia. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press

Bertelsmann Stiftung (Gütersloh, Germany). 2002. Transparency: a basis for responsibility and cooperation : results of the international survey, Carl Bertelsmann Prize 2002. Gütersloh, [Germany]: Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers.

Bhargava, Vinay Kumar, and Emil P. Bolongaita. 2004. Challenging corruption in Asia: case studies and a framework for action. Washington: World Bank.

Blake, Charles H., and Stephen D. Morris. 2009. Corruption & democracy in Latin America. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.

Bryan, Shari, and Barrie Hofmann. 2007. Transparency and accountability in Africa’s extractive industries: the role of the legislature. Washington, DC: National Democratic Institute for International Affairs.

Butt, Simon. 2012. Corruption and law in Indonesia. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Caiden, Gerald E., O. P. Dwivedi, and Joseph G. Jabbra. 2001. Where corruption lives. Bloomfield, Conn: Kumarian Press.

Center for International Private Enterprise, and United States. 2007. Business without corruption an action guide. Washington, D.C.: USAID].

Comisión Andina de Juristas. 2003. Corrupción judicial: mecanismos de control y vigilancia ciudadana. Lima, Perú: Comisión Andina de Juristas.

Daley, Michelle, and Robin Pagnamenta. 2002. Corruption fighters’ tool kit: civil society experiences and emerging strategies. Berlin: Transparency International.

Dassen, Nicolás, and Juan Cruz Vieyra. 2012. Open government and targeted transparency: trends and challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank.,7101.html?id=63846%20&dcLanguage=en&dcType=All#.UkH4i5Lkuy1

De Ferranti, David M. 2009. How to improve governance: a new framework for analysis and action. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.

Diaz-Briquets, Sergio, and Jorge F. Pérez-López. 2006. Corruption in Cuba: Castro and beyond. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Doig, Alan, and Robin Theobald. 2000. Corruption and democratisation. London: Frank Cass.

Engel, Eduardo & Ferreira Rubio, et al. 2018. Report of the Expert Advisory Group on Anti-Corruption, Transparency, and Integrity in Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank.

Fundación para el Debido Proceso Legal. 2007. Comparando transparencia: un estudio sobre acceso a la información en el Poder Judicial. Washington, DC: Due Process of Law Foundation.

Fox, Jonathan. 2007. Mexico’s right-to-know reforms: civil society perspectives. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Fung, Archon, Mary Graham, and David Weil. 2007. Full disclosure: the perils and promise of transparency. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Gant, Jon, and Nicol Turner-Lee. 2011. Government transparency six strategies for more open and participatory government. Washington, DC: The Aspen Institute.

Ghaus, Aisha, and Meredith Rowen. 2007. Towards participatory and transparent governance: reinventing government. New York: United Nations.

Griffin, Charles C. 2010. Lives in the balance: improving accountability for public spending in developing countries. Washington, D.C.: Results for Development Institute.

Heffernan, William C., and John Kleinig. 2004. Private and public corruption. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Heidenheimer, Arnold J., and Michael Johnston. 2002. Political corruption: concepts & contexts. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers.

Holzner, Burkart, and Leslie Holzner. 2006. Transparency in global change: the vanguard of the open society. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.

Johnson, Roberta Ann. 2004. The struggle against corruption: a comparative study. New York, N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan.

Karklins, Rasma. 2005. The system made me do it: corruption in post-communist societies. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe.

Kornai, János, and Susan Rose-Ackerman. 2004. Building a trustworthy state in post-socialist transition. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Krastev, Ivan. 2004. Shifting obsessions: three essays on the politics of anticorruption. Budapest: Central European University Press.

Lord, Kristin M. 2006. The perils and promise of global transparency: why the information revolution may not lead to security, democracy, or peace. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Mandelbaum, Andrew G. 2011. Strengthening parliamentary accountability, citizen engagement and access to information: a global survey of parliamentary monitoring organizations. Washington, DC: National Democratic Institute for International Affairs.

Mendilow, Jonathan. 2012. Money, corruption, and political competition in established and emerging democracies. Lanham, Md: Lexington Books.

Ofosu-Amaah, W. Paatii, Raj Soopramanien, and Kishor Uprety. 1999. Combating corruption: a comparative review of selected legal aspects of state practices and major international initiatives. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

Open Society Justice Initiative., & Open Society Institute. 2016. Standing Doctrine and Anticorruption Litigation: A Survey. New York, NY: Open Society Foundations.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 1999. Public sector corruption : an international survey of prevention measures. Paris, France: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Power, Timothy J., and Matthew MacLeod Taylor. 2011. Corruption and democracy in Brazil: the struggle for accountability. Notre Dame, Ind: University of Notre Dame Press.

Rekosh, Edwin. 1995. In the public eye: parliamentary transparency in Europe and North America. Washington, D.C.: International Human Rights Law Group.

Riinvest Istitute, and Center for International Private Enterprise. 2012. Improving transparency and governance of public funds public procurement process in Kosovo / prepared by Riinvest Istitute. Prishtinë, Republic of Kosova: Riinvest Istitute.

Robinson, Mark. 1998. Corruption and development. London: F. Cass.

Rodan, Garry. 2004. Transparency and authoritarian rule in Southeast Asia: Singapore and Malaysia. London: RoutledgeCurzon.

Rose-Ackerman, Susan. 2005. From elections to democracy: building accountable government in Hungary and Poland. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Schedler, Andreas, Larry Jay Diamond, and Marc F. Plattner. 1999. The self-restraining state: power and accountability in new democracies. Boulder, Colo: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Seminario Internacional Justicia y Transparencia, Unidad de Apoyo al Proyecto de Modernización del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia, and Mirador Democrático. 2003. Justicia y Transparencia: perspectivas del gobierno judicial y la sociedad : — fortaleciendo el camiño hacia la transparencia judicial ; II Seminario Internacional. Caracas, Venezuela: Unidad de Apoyo al Proyecto de Modernización del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia.

Spector, Bertram I. 2005. Fighting corruption in developing countries: strategies and analysis. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press.

Stapenhurst, Rick, Niall Johnston, and Riccardo Pelizzo. 2006. The role of parliament in curbing corruption. Washington, DC: World Bank.

Strategies for policy reform: Volume 2: engaging entrepreneurs in democratic governance. 2010. Washington, D.C.: Center for International Private Enterprise.

Tulchin, Joseph S., and Ralph H. Espach. 2000. Combatting corruption in Latin America. Washington, D.C.: Published by Woodrow Wilson Center Press.

Vogl, Frank. 2012. Waging war on corruption: inside the movement fighting the abuse of power. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

