Forum des Associations et Organisations des Personnes Handicapees en Afrique Centrale
Strengthening citizen participation of people with disabilities in the political and democratic processes in Central Africa
To increase citizen participation of people with disabilities in the political and democratic processes in Central African countries. The organization will conduct advocacy, capacity building, civic education, and public awareness-raising activities, including national debates, parliamentary forums, citizen cafés, and forums of free expression on the inclusion of people with disabilities in the electoral process. The project will produce a best practices guide on electoral inclusion, perform an accessibility audit on the voting process, and propose practical recommendations to relevant stakeholders.
Global Integrity
Fighting Kleptocracy in Central Africa
To enhance collaboration on anti-kleptocracy efforts and raise citizens’ awareness of kleptocracy’s negative consequences, the organization will build upon the work of a coalition of five organizations from different central African countries to conduct an advocacy campaign showing the toll kleptocratic regimes have on citizens’ social and economic well-being. Each organization will address a different topic and aim to generate greater attention and action to address the issue at the local, regional, and international level.
International Republican Institute (IRI)
Strengthening Civil Society and Political Party Capacity in Equatorial Guinea and Gabon
To improve the capacity of civil society and political party leaders in Equatorial Guinea and Gabon to effectively engage with citizens, promote transparency, and participate in electoral processes, the Institute will provide trainings and technical support to civil society organizations, social activists, and opposition political parties so that they may increase citizens’ access to information and promote greater participation in electoral processes. In doing so, civil society and political party actors will have an improved understanding of their respective countries’ electoral frameworks and processes, as well as additional opportunities to oversee and encourage participation in those processes. The Institute will also build the capacity of political parties to compete in elections and facilitate sustainable mentor relationships between like-minded CSOs.
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)
Countering Authoritarian Entrenchment
To support local organizations that enhance citizen participation in countries in the Central Africa sub-region, the Institute will facilitate sharing of experiences through a series of online workshops and exchanges. The Institute will collect best practices and lessons learned from organizing in Central Africa and facilitate communication for participants across the region. With support from the Institute, program participants will develop frameworks for increasing citizen participation in their specific countries. The Institute will provide selected local organizations with funding to implement elements of their frameworks.
Réseau des Citoyens
Promoting Social Cohesion and Civic Engagement Through Responsible and Independent Media
To promote social cohesion and active civic participation in Chad and CAR through responsible media coverage and reporting. The organization will build its media capacity and expand its programming on issues that prevent social conflicts and advance democratic values. Through an embedded technical expertise approach, the organization will support carefully selected community radio stations to promote social cohesion, tolerance, and civic engagement in their communities.