Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
Mobilizing Champions For Market-Based Economic Recovery II
To strengthen private sector actors’ capacity to advocate for urgent economic reforms aimed at minimizing the disastrous effects of these successive crises on those most affected. The organization will provide capacity support to a prominent businesswomen’s association, and two leading think tanks.
International Republican Institute (IRI)
Promoting Issue-Based Politics III
To sustain public debate during a period of national crisis and mobilize the Lebanese electorate around critical socio-political and economic reforms, the Institute will provide much-needed support to vital civil society led reform efforts. Integral to this effort will be facilitating dialogue between civil society networks and political parties demonstrating reformist leanings.
Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections
Mobilizing Youth towards Active Political Participation
To advance legal and procedural reforms that enhance youth engagement in the 2022 parliamentary elections. The organization will develop and publish a booklet that outlines barriers to youth participation in parliamentary elections as voters and candidates, train a minimum of 120 youth on these concepts and skills to advocate for electoral reform, and mentor them to advocate for electoral reform.
Lebanese Institute for Market Studies
Economic Policy Leaders Academy
To promote economic reform efforts that align with a market economy. The grantee will organize a leadership academy that comprises two workshops, online mentoring and a policy fair. It will also mentor civic and political activists in the development of economic reform proposals to effectively present and advocate to policymakers.
Maharat Foundation
Promoting Evidence-based Journalism on Issues of Accountability
To promote evidence-based journalism on issues of accountability. The organization will strengthen its in-depth journalism unit and continue producing articles on issues of accountability of public institutions. It will produce a minimum of 40 in-depth stories and mentor 10 young journalists in the research, writing and publishing of stories using evidence-based journalism.
NAHNOO Association
Protecting Public Space
To hold government officials accountable by engaging youth in advocacy campaigns for open access to and protection of public spaces. The organization and its community action teams will launch an advocacy campaign to reform the occupancy of public coast property laws, conduct advocacy meetings with public officials, produce two awareness videos and a coastal violations map, and lead a public discussion with decision-makers.
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)
Youth Activism for Lebanese Accountability 2.0 (YALA!)
To prepare young people to more effectively hold their government accountable and to deepen youth’s ability to engage in debate and influence political discourse in Lebanon. The Institute will engage cohorts of youth in training courses on the principles of civic engagement, debate and dialogue skills, and on conducting advocacy and accountability campaigns. Through a step-down training format, the Institute will provide technical and financial assistance to civil society organizations that then identify and facilitate the training courses with cohorts of youth across Lebanon. The Institute and its partners also will support youth debate skills building and facilitate opportunities for civil society and political party youth to debate and discuss ideas on issues of importance to youth.