Report Launch | A Full-Spectrum Response to Sharp Power: The Vulnerabilities and Strengths of Open Societies

  about the event Globalization has deepened integration between democracies and autocracies, tethering them to one another in complicated ways that have exposed democracies’ vulnerabilities that authoritarian powers are exploiting....


Corina Rebegea

Corina Rebegea is CEPA’s Director for Democratic Resilience, leading the center’s programming on the future of democratic governance and disinformation. Her expertise includes democracy and rule of law issues, good governance, and public sector leadership,...


Democracy Today

The sources listed below are used for our daily news digest, Democracy Today. These online newspapers, magazines, and websites provide news and commentary related to democracy and political environments around the world. AfroBarometer -...


New Initiative on Sharp Power and Democratic Resilience to Launch at Munich Security Conference

On Saturday, February 15, 2020 at the Munich Security Conference, global thought leaders and experts on disinformation will launch a new report, "Firming...