Power 3.0
Blog and PodcastThe Forum's blog and podcast explore how authoritarians survive and thrive in the globalized age and how democracies contend with this challenge.
ResourcesA selection of resources from the International Forum for Democratic Studies.
AreasMajor themes explored by the Forum include authoritarian influence, transnational kleptocracy, the information space, and democracy and civil society.
ChallengesThe series of four issue briefs highlight emerging global challenges to democracy, including integrity of the information space, transnational kleptocracy, emerging technology, and global authoritarian influence.
Getting Ahead of Digital Repression: Authoritarian Innovation and Democratic Response
In April 2024, the Hoover Institution's project on China’s Global Sharp Power, Stanford University’s Global Digital Policy Incubator, and the National Endowment for Democracy’s International Forum for Democratic Studies held a closed-door,...
Forum Q&A: Ethan Tu and Billion Lee on How Taiwan’s Civil Society Collaborates to Address Information Integrity Challenges from Beijing
2024 has been called the “year of elections” with over four billion people set to cast their ballots. The potential threat to the integrity of the information space is severe. For those concerned with how authoritarian powers might influence...
International Forum for Democratic Studies Celebrates 30th Anniversary
This month, the International Forum for Democratic Studies celebrates 30 years as a leading center for democratic thought and analysis. Under the leadership of Marc F. Plattner and Larry Diamond, the International Forum was established in...
Twenty-First Annual Seymour Martin Lipset Lecture: Serhii Plokhii on “David vs. Goliath: Democracy and Autocracy in the Russo-Ukrainian War”
The Struggle Against Authoritarian Influence in the...
10:00 AM- 11:00 AM
Please join the International Forum for Democratic Studies for a virtual event examining tools of authoritarian influence on democratic institutions and innovative responses.Leveraging AI for Democracy: Civic Innovation on the...
10:00 AM- 11:00 AM
Please join the International Forum for Democratic Studies for the launch of a report that outlines possible paths toward a prodemocratic vision for AI.DOWNLOAD FORUM BROCHURE
The Struggle Against Authoritarian Influence in the Western Balkans: Montenegro as a Test Case
A new report authored by Vanja Ćalović Marković explores how Montenegro has become an ideal testing ground for authoritarian actors, and how lessons learned from these influence experiments can be applied by authoritarian actors globally.
READ MOREStronger Together: Coalitions as a Catalyst for Information Integrity
A new report authored by Tim Niven explores how sweeping changes in the information environment are advancing the efforts of authoritarians in the information space and how coalitions provide civil society organizations with a powerful framework to fight back.
READ MOREFighting Kleptocracy in an Era of Geopolitics
In a new International Forum report, Ben Judah analyzes how the counter-kleptocracy agenda intersects with, and is at times superseded by, competing geopolitical priorities.
READ MORELeveraging AI for Democracy: Civic Innovation on the New Digital Playing Field
A new report by Beth Kerley, Carl Miller, and Fernanda Campagnucci outlines possible paths toward a prodemocratic vision for AI.