The Network of Democracy Research Institutes (NDRI) is a global think tank network with approximately 80 member organizations from 50 countries representing every region in the world. Member institutes include:
- International think tanks
- Independent research institutions
- University-based study centers
- Research programs affiliated with democracy advocacy groups, human rights organizations, and other NGOs
NDRI membership is open to institutions that focus on academic or public policy research on democracy or democratization.
Download the NDRI flyer to learn more about membership eligibility.
List of Member Institutes
Ghana Center for Democratic Development (Ghana)
Institute of Economic Affairs (Ghana)
Institute of Economic Affairs (Kenya)
Institute for Research and Democratic Development (Liberia)
Centre for Democracy and Development (Nigeria)
Centre for Development and Enterprise (South Africa)
Institute for Democracy, Citizenship, and Public Policy (South Africa)
Institute for Security Studies (South Africa)
South African Institute of Race Relations (South Africa)
Asian Barometer
Centre for Policy Research (India)
Centre for Strategic and International Studies (Indonesia)
Centre to Combat Corruption & Cronyism (C4 Centre) (Malaysia)
Merdeka Center for Opinion Research (Malaysia)
Political Education Academy of Mongolia (Mongolia)
Center for Peace and Civil Society (Pakistan)
Jinnah Institute (Pakistan)
Pakistan Institute for Legislative Development and Transparency (Pakistan)
INCITEGov (Philippines)
East Asia Institute (South Korea)
Sejong Institute (South Korea)
Centre for Policy Alternatives (Sri Lanka)
Institute for National Policy Research (Taiwan)
King Prajadhipok’s Institute (Thailand)
Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies (Belarus)
Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy, and Development (Georgia)
Center for Social Sciences (Georgia)
Democratic Initiatives Foundation (Ukraine)
Access to Information Program (Bulgaria)
Centre for Liberal Strategies (Bulgaria)
Institute for Regional and International Studies (Bulgaria)
AcaMedia (Czech Republic)
Association for International Affairs (Czech Republic)
Centre for the Study of Democracy and Culture (Czech Republic)
Prague Security Studies Institute (Czech Republic)
Bertelsmann Transformation Index (Germany)
Center for Policy Studies (Hungary)
Political Capital (Hungary)
Centre for Public Policy “PROVIDUS” (Latvia)
Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (Moldova)
Center for Democracy and Human Rights (Montenegro)
Institute of Public Affairs (Poland)
Instituto de Estudos Politicos (Portugal)
Romanian Academic Society (Romania)
Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (Serbia)
Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies (Serbia)
Center for Liberal–Democratic Studies (Serbia)
Institute for Public Affairs (Slovakia)
Quality of Government Institute (Sweden)
Varieties of Democracy (Sweden)
European Stability Initiative (Turkey)
Centre for the Study of Public Policy (UK)
Latin America
Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (Argentina)
Center for Opening and Development in Latin America (Argentina)
Instituto Sivis (Brazil)
Latinobarómetro (Chile)
Congresso Visible (Colombia)
Instituto de Ciencia Política (Colombia)
State of the Nation Program (Costa Rica)
Grupo Faro (Ecuador)
Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C. (Mexico)
FUNDAR (Mexico)
Vanderbilt University’s Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) (United States)
Middle East and North Africa
Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy–Tunisia
Israel Democracy Institute (Israel)
Vision Institute for Civil Society and Good Governance Studies (Jordan)
Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (Lebanon)
Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (Palestine)
Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy (USA)
United States and Canada
Georgetown University’s Center for Democracy and Civil Society
Center for the Study of Democracy at the University of California, Irvine
Stanford University’s Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law
Princeton University’s Innovations for Successful Societies
University of Michigan’s Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies
International Forum for Democratic Studies
McGill University’s Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship (Canada)