Journal of Democracy April 2015 Issue: “The Authoritarian Resurgence”

The Journal of Democracy April 2015 issue features a collection of articles exploring “The Authoritarian Resurgence” in Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela.

In “Forward to the Past in Russia,” Lilia Shevtsova analyzes the survival strategy of Vladimir Putin’s personalized power regime in the midst of decay. In “Autocratic Legalism in Venezuela,” Javier Corrales explores how Venezuela’s government uses, abuses, and disuses the law to silence political opposition.

Frederic Wehrey analyzes the domestic issues driving Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy in “Saudi Arabia’s Anxious Autocrats.” Abbas Milani discusses the internal dimensions of “Iran’s Paradoxical Regime,” and Alex Vatanka examines Iran’s international projection of authoritarian values in “Iran Abroad.”

Also in the April issue, Duncan McCargo debates the efficacy of international tribunals and truth and reconciliation commissions in helping divided societies transition to democracy post-conflict in “Transitional Justice and its Discontents.” Michael C. Davis and Victoria Tin-Bor Hui reflect on Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement, and Arch Puddington discusses the 2014 results of Freedom House’s annual survey.

Explore the complete table of contents for the April 2015 issue.

About the Journal of Democracy

For more than 25 years, the Journal of Democracy has been a leading voice in the conversation about government by consent and its place in the world. The Journal is published for the International Forum for Democratic Studies at the National Endowment for Democracy by the Johns Hopkins University Press and full access is available to subscribers through Project MUSE.
