
The Reagan-Fascell fellowship brings together professionals from a diverse range of fields who are concerned with promoting democracy worldwide. Many fellows have credited the fellowship with providing them a space for respite, reflection and resolve. In civil society, academia, and beyond, fellows translate this experience into concrete change back home.

Apply Now

We are currently accepting applications for fellowships in 2024-2025. The deadline for applications is November 6, 2023.

More Information

The Four Pillars of the Fellowship


fellows said the fellowship enabled them to better promote change

Driving Innovation in Civil Society

Inspired by their NED experience, many fellows go on to launch new initiatives and institutes back home, by expanding upon existing efforts and leading civil society organizations, social movements, media outlets and political reform initiatives in new directions.

Read one fellow's story...

Advancing Scholarship

Fellows benefit from the unique environment at the International Forum for Democratic Studies, which bridges theory and practice. Many fellows go on to publish their fellowship research in books, academic journals, including the Journal of Democracy, press outlets and blogs.

Read a fellow's article...

Make an Impact
